Whose Name Is At Stake?

Award-winning choir

And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” Gen. ‭11:4‬ ‭

By Michael Adekoya – Dear Reader, success these days have different definitions to different people. To some people, success is to achieve whatever you desire to do, success is when others commend you, success is when your achievements are the talk of the town, success is when things are going in your expected directions, success is when you have more than enough, success is when you are promoted, success is when you are at the top of the hierarchy, if it is in the ministry, success is when your Church congregation are in thousands, success is when miracles, signs and wonders are happening on regular basis. Yes to God, these are successes too but it has to be for His glory, in the right motives, for His course only and for His name sake.

In our text for this week, some men gathered themselves together to build a tower that will reach heaven. They have every reason for their plans to be successful, they had the know-how, they were all of one mind, they had a common purpose – to accomplish something lasting in life, something that would outlive them. These are all the ingredients of success that we clamour and canvas for too these days. They were achieving their plans until God stepped in and scatter their ‘oneness’ . Why did God do that? They wanted to make a name for themselves and not for God! They wanted to pride in their achievements. They wanted to boast in their unity, oneness, know-how, they wanted to be known for their record breaking, unparalleled and never happened in history achievement.

My friend, can I ask you point blank, what is the motive/s behind what you are doing right now? Why are you in the ministry? Why are you in that political office you are today? Why do you marry your spouse? Why are you in the profession you are? Why are you fervent, diligent and passionate about what you are doing? Is it to make a name for yourself or for God? If it is the latter, you have already failed from the beginning even if it appears that you are achieving ‘success’, ‘greatness’ or having it all as expected at the moment. The builders of the Tower of Babel were having it as expected initially, who knows for how long. God may allow you to go far, but not for too long.

My friend, if you know that the reasons behind all your efforts, passion, zeal, diligence and plans is to make a name for yourself like these people. It is not too late, please confess this to God sincerely today and have a genuine repentance before it is too late. If otherwise, the Bible says, “But if you do not do so, then take note, you have sinned against the LORD; and be sure your sin will find you out.” Num. 32:23‬. In other words, either sooner or later your hidden ungodly ulterior motive/s shall be exposed. Look for God in this area right now when it is not too late, tomorrow may be too late, why not repent now? Do you think that you will have a lot to lose, my friend, you have nothing to lose in the sight of God, rather a lot to gain.

My friend, are your motives right, divine and godly? But it seems as if you are not ‘making headway’ in life, in your career or ministry? It seems as if your efforts are not being ‘successful’? It seems as if you are not recognised, your have been ignored, neglected and over looked? My friend, stop feeling insignificant, inferiority feelings is sensual and could be demonic if not careful. You have competition with no one, you share your destiny with no one even if you are a twin. Everyone has his/her own race to run, focus on your own race not on someone else. The Bible says, “For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Cor. 10:12‬. Don’t be unwise by comparing yourself with others or with other people’s achievements or accomplishments. Be wise by following the plans and purposes of God for your life, family, career or ministry. Since your motive is pure, right, godly and not to make name for yourself but for your God, stay focused. Don’t sway, don’t compromise, don’t be distracted, don’t give up or feel insignificant.

There was a strange old man named Noah. He built an enormous ark while people laughed at him for years.  But he didn’t care.  He was working under God’s orders – and he was not concerned that he might have looked ridiculous. He went all the way to build an ark in the name of the Lord, under God’s instruction and specification, he preached that rain and destruction was coming for one hundred and twenty years, he was only able to convert seven people including himself making eight people (actually his own family alone) that did not perish in the flood of the wrath of God. He did not have a name or a memorial among the people of his days, but God called him a “Preacher of righteousness” 2Pet. 2:5. He made a name for himself in the heart of God. My friend, that is what matters.

In conclusion, can I ask you again, my friend, in whose name are you doing what you are doing? If it is not in God’s name confess, repent and change your motive/s today and let it be in line with God’s plan and purpose for your life and for His name sake. But if all you are doing is for the glory of God, for His name sake, carry on, your rewards are awaiting you both in this world and in the one to come. Think about this, the Tower of Babel was a failure, the Ark became an instrument of success, whose name is at stake? Remain blessed!

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