“The children of Joseph spoke to Joshua, saying: ‘Why have you given us only one lot and one portion to inherit, since we are great people, inasmuch as the Lord has blessed us until now?’ ‘So Joshua answered them, ‘If you are a great people, then go up to the forest country and clear a place for yourself there in the land…'” Josh. 17:14-15.
Dear Reader, the sons of Joseph believed they had a legitimate complaint. They felt that the territory they were assigned was unfairly small, since they were “a great and numerous people.” Thinking they had been unfairly treated, they asked Joshua to assign them more territory. Joshua acknowledged that they were “a great people,” but he told them to fight for what belonged to them by clearing the unclaimed forest land. The sons of Joseph objected to this proposal. They pointed out that they might face Canaanites who had iron chariots. They would have to work and fight for the land. But Joshua put the burden back on them. He reminded them that they had “great power.” Although they might face opposition, they had everything they needed to succeed.

My friend, so often you and I are like those sons of Joseph! Like them, we can look at our situation or circumstance in life and feel that we need more. In fact, we might feel that we deserve more. Yet, often God’s response is like Joshua’s. He reminds us that, as Christians, we have everything we need for victory. We have God, His Spirit, His power, His Word, His promises, His Holy Spirit, His support, His backing, the blood of His dear Son and even the mouth He gave us to call on Him, to ask, decree and declare.

Yet we are afraid to drive out the wicked inhabitants and giants of Satan in our lives, marriages, homes, families, churches, communities, cities and nations. My friend, we should be like Caleb who took what God gave him and moved ahead to fulfill God’s purpose and plan for his life (read Josh 14:12). Just like he was confident that God would help him drive out the wicked inhabitants and that he would occupy his land, so also we should. I’m sure Caleb understood what “Deliverance and Land liberation” was all about!
My friend, are you labouring under a yoke? Are you spiritually blind or suffering satanic attacks? Are you sexually harassed by spiritual husband or wife in your dream? Do you eat or drink in your dream? Do you suffer unexplained barrenness or frequent miscarriages? Are you tied to ungodly soul-ties? Are you always in trouble or always commit crime? Is there any ancestral covenant or curse on you? Are you initiated or married to a god? Do you always fight against forces in your dream? Do you always experience frequent delays, disappointments or denials to your breakthrough and success? Are you experiencing strong hatred, jealousy and strong oppositions from people? Are you faced with prolonged and programmed misfortunes?
Has your destiny been tampered with in any way, shape or form? Are you a temperamental, envious, malicious or gossip person? Maybe you are always moody, stubborn and rebellious! Do you tell lies, steal or defraud others? Maybe you are now going through what your parent went through? Has your life been taken over by the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and the pride of life? Are you a constant sick person? Are you a sex, drug, alcohol or smoking addicted person? Do you find it difficult to pray, study the Word of God or believe? Are you a constant confused or discouraged person? Do you live in fear? Has your joy gone?
My friend, these and many more are the works of Satan. They are the wicked inhabitants of Satan that you need to confront, fight and cleared away from your land. And if any of these seeds is in your life, you need deliverance and land liberation! Today, God wants you to realise that more grace, more salvation, more liberty, more life, more victory, more blessings, more riches, more power and authority are available to you. But you need to take action. Don’t just sit back, complain, murmur and wonder. Don’t just stay in that situation and blame people or give excuses. Wake up! Start taking action now and move forward in faith!
Listen! There is an invisible war all around us and today. The enemy is raging and contending for what belong to us in Christ. He is contending for the souls and destinies of men and women in your family, street, school, work-place, community, city and nation. The sad thing is that many of God’s children are sound asleep and snoring when they ought to wake up for battle. The church is asleep, snuggled up in her pews with the covers pulled up over her head, and the sanctuary is dark. God’s alarm clock is going off and we need to get up. My friend, this is no time to push the snooze button! According to God’s clock, it’s time to wake up and confront the enemy just as the Apostle Paul gave a wake-up call to the saints in Rome. God promised to give us the nations, it is time to fight for what is ours.
Apostle Paul said, “This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. It is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light – armour of right living because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see. (Romans 13:11-12)
My friend, not only is it time to wake up, but it’s time to clean up. Paul said, “Don’t participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living, or in quarreling and fighting, or in envy and jealousy. Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.” Oh, how we need to come before our Lord everytime in honesty and confession! Oh, how we need to submit to God before we venture to resist and confront the devil! You can’t have property of satan in your life and resist him at the same time. It won’t work!
Not only is it time to wake up and clean up, but it’s also time to dress up and put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Put Him on for direction because He is Lord. Put Him on for deliverance because He is Saviour and put Him on for dominion because He is King Messiah. Fight for you’re your right in Christ. Satan and his agents have unfairly treated you. They have stolen so much from you. Satan is a thief! His mandate is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10a) Taking stock of your life, you know where satan has robbed you. It’s time to engage in serious spiritual warfare prayers based on the Word and promises of God and take back what belongs to you. Don’t object to this proposal. It is time to drive out the wicked inhabitants of satan from your life, from your family and land. Arrange night prayers and pray with tenacity, fervency in faith and expectation. Expectation is the mother of manifestation. Remain blessed.