The Actual Message Of Christmas!

The Christmas Choir

The Bible says, “For God so loved every man and woman, youth and child, every black and white, old and young in the world that he gave His only Son (Jesus Christ), so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

By Michael Adekoya – Dear Reader, in this day and age, during the Christmas season much of the world is filled with decorations and parties, gifts and celebrations, boozing and partying; eating and drinking but the true meaning often is lost. Even, among Christians, there is a division as to whether Christmas should be celebrated. My friend, whether you celebrate it or not, one thing remains, Christmas has a real message: God gave us the Gift of love! And that’s what we celebrate on Christmas Day.

 My friend, whether celebration of Christmas is a pagan holiday or not, the truth remains that Christmas is a yearly reminder that God loves mankind. God loves us so much that He sent Jesus on a mission of love with a message of love. The Bible says God is love (1 John 4:8). It doesn’t say God has love; it says God is love. Love is His nature! God created the entire universe and everything in it, including us because He loves us. He loves us on our good days and bad days.

 God made us so He could love us and in return so that we could love Him and love one another. My friend, listen! What the world needs today is love – unconditional love, not convenient love. I need it. You need it. Your spouse needs it. Your child needs it. An elderly man or woman sitting alone in a nursing home during Christmas season needs it. A child abandoned and alone in a children’s home needs it. The person in the prison or in the hospital needs it. The single parent needs it. The lonely widow needs it. The preacher, the politician, the professional or the practitioner needs it. The rich, the poor, the needy, the underprivileged, the wounded, the abused, the betrayed and the discouraged needs it. We all need it!

 God sent His One and only Son (Jesus) as the Saviour of the world (Matt. 1:21). God knew we couldn’t save ourselves from our sins; so He sent His Son to be born in a manger, to die on a cross, to rise again into glory for the purpose of our redemption. My friend, God’s love for you is the reason your heart’s beating right now; it’s the reason you’re still breathing and alive today. He loves you when you can feel His love, and He loves you, even, when you can’t seem to feel His love. He loves you regardless of whether or not you think you deserve His love. He may hate your sin but He loves you.

 My friend, there is nothing you can do that will make God stop loving you. You could try, but you simply can’t do it – because His love for you is based upon His character and not on anything you do or say or feel. God loves you so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, into this world – “so that everyone who believes in Him (Jesus) will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 ). As you are now in the mood of Christmas, the question is, “Do you believe in God and in His Word to obey Him?” Do you believe in Jesus Christ, as your Saviour and the Lord of your life?

 You may ask, “Michael, I don’t want to perish. I believe in God but what can I do to be saved and have eternal life?” My friend, if this is your question today, here is the answer: “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”(Romans 10:9-1). Did you hear that? It is that simple but you have to be convicted in your belief and confession!

 My friend, I will believe you if you tell me the degree of your husband’s or wife’s love for you but the question is, “Can he or she die for you?”  Yes, you love your mother so much that you allow her to control your home but I’m here to tell you that her love for you is limited. It is only Jesus who loves you so much to die for you so that you can live.  His love surpasses all human knowledge, and it is difficult for you or any human being to grasp the width and length and height and depth of His love for each one of us (Eph 3:17-19). Unlike the love we exhibit today, His love is unconditional!

 Jeremiah, the Prophet, said to the people, “As always, the Lord has appeared unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jer 31:3). My friend, this is the real message for us at this Christmas season and always. Christmas season is a season to express God’s love back to Him and to others. The depth of love is known by the degree of giving. If you want to exhibit true love, which is the nature and character of God, you must live for God and for others because that was exactly what Jesus did in the world. You won’t hold back everything which is helpful from people!

 The Bible says, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45). 

I wish all our politicians, preachers, professors, professionals, practitioners, leaders and every person in this world could grasp the message in this Scripture. Jesus came as a servant, not as a master (Phil 2:6-8). He came not only to serve but to give His life for us. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38) Jesus loves us with an infinite love, with an everlasting love, and with an indescribable love. He’s the lover of our souls?

 My friend, are you without a lover today? Do you feel lonely? Maybe your spouse is far away in other city or country? Maybe your lover has passed on due to this pandemic? Maybe you are single and yet to have a spouse – your own lover, best friend, prayer partner and confidant? Take heart… Jesus heart! He has set His affection on you. He will connect you to the right person at the set time soon. If you are a widow or single parent, you need to re-position yourself because God is a God of second chance! If your spouse is far away, trust God to unite you together soon and He’ll do it. I know Him! He delights in relationships!

 My Christian friend, Jesus has purchased you, not with silver or gold as a bridegroom do these days and age, but our Lord has purchased you with the silver of His tears and with the gold of His blood. You are loved! So, as Christmas cards and gifts are pouring in or as you see advertisements for Christmas bargains or hear someone say, “Merry Christmas,” remember that Jesus is the Lover of your Soul. You need to show that love to your family, friends, foes, co-workers and fellow citizens – the widows, orphans and down-trodden.

 In conclusion, during this Christmas, make sure to make Jesus your priority. Praise and worship Him. Celebrate His life and all He has done for you. Bring Him glory through your life and all that you do always! Share the gift of love with your family and friends but also remember those who are sick, those who are in prison, those who are mourning, those who are suffering, those who have lost their jobs and those who are single, those who are hurting, discouraged or weary and those who are lonely. Remain blessed and Merry Christmas!

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