Teenage Muslim convert planned Lee Rigby style execution


A 19 year-old converted Muslim, is in court after it was revealed that he had intended to slaughter British army soldiers in a similar style to the killers of Lee Rigby, who he claims to idolise.


Brustholm Ziamani was arrested by police after he was found carrying a knife and a hammer wrapped in an Islamic flag.

He told a security guard that he was on his way to kill British Soldiers, the prosecutors of the case told the Old Bailey.

The teenager from Camberwell, who denies planning acts of terrorism, converted to Islam last year, and was arrested a few months later.

In a 5 page letter to his parents, the young Jihadi wrote he was ready to ‘wage war’ on the British government since he ‘had no way of getting to Syria or Iraq.’

“Because I have no means ov gettin there I will wage war against the british government on this soil the british government will have a taste of there own medicine they will be humiliated this is ISIB Islamic State of Ireland and Britain,” he wrote.

“You want war, you got it. British soldiers heads will be removed and [burned]. U cannot defeat the Muslim we love to die the way you love to live.”

“You want war, you got it. British soldiers heads will be removed and [burned]. U cannot defeat the Muslim we love to die the way you love to live.”

His ex-girlfriend, who ended their relationship after he threatened to ‘wipe her out’ says he came to her shortly before his arrest to show her the weapons he was intending to use on the British soldiers.

A few months before his arrest in August, Ziamani was arrested on suspicion of terrorism after sending out extremist tweets online. He was questioned by anti-terrorism police, but was soon released on bail. His internet browser history showed that he had been looking up military bases in the South London area, potentially targets for his proposed attacks.

“His idols were the two men who, in May 2013, had notoriously murdered Lee Rigby in Woolwich — Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale,” prosecutor Annabel Darlow told the court.

“He stated that he was going to behead the soldier and hold his head up in the air so that his friend could take a photograph. In other words you may think his aim was to emulate the dubious feats of his hero Michael Adebolaj.”

The trial is expected to conclude by next week.