African Theatre in the UK may be missing on the international stage at the 7th Psychodrama Festival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria if IROKO Theatre Company that has been invited to participate cannot raise the funds required to take the troupe to this very important annual showcase.
Last year, IROKO was invited to the 6th Psychodrama Festival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The company could not attend due to funding constraints.
The Artistic Director, Mr, Alex Oma Pius, attended the festival on a voluntary basis and had the opportunity to present the work of IROKO to the organisers. The Company has now been invited to participate in the 7th Psychodrama Festival in February 2018.
IROKO is embarking on a small Crowdfunding campaign to enable the company to attend the event in February.
In recognition of the great work Iroko is doing, African Voice is counting on your generosity to put a small charity like IROKO on the international stage.
Mr. Oma – Puis said, “IROKO is counting on the support, generosity and kindness of friends and well-wishers to enable it undertake this initiative.
It is hoped that IROKO’s participation in the 7th Psychodrama Festival will put this small charity currently based in the UK, on the international stage, to share its work and experiences using, African arts to engage with communities, thereby encouraging community cohesion, particularly marginalised groups and people at risk of social segregation like the Roma people of Bulgaria that IROKO will be working with at the festival.
No amount is too little, every penny counts”.
Kindly support IROKO to carry the African flag at the 7th Psychodrama Festival, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Please support the Campaign by clicking the ‘Back this project’ button on this Kickstarters’s Link.
IROKO Theatre Company was formed in 1996. The company uses the arts, particularly although not exclusively African theatre arts such as storytelling, drama, music, dance, arts and crafts, as a vehicle to advance the education, health and wellbeing of people of all backgrounds, age groups and abilities.

The name IROKO was chosen after the Iroko tree which flourishes in West Africa. It is considered sacred; a tree with special powers and meaning. As the saying goes, ‘A tree that never dies’

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