Social media helps recover Xmas pay bonus


A man who lost his Christmas bonus at a pub has been reunited with his money following a social media campaign.

A mystery pay packet addressed to “Mariusz” was left in The Alexandra pub in Wimbledon, on 21 December.

He was reunited with his £600 six days later after pub managers Mick Dore and his wife Sarah put out an appeal that was viewed by millions on social media.

Mariusz, who returned to Poland over Christmas, learned his money had been located when his son saw the appeal.

“We had hoped to find him before Christmas” Mr Dore said.

The hunt was made harder because Mariusz does not use social media, she added.

Mr Dore said: “He was like Lord Lucan in the end.

“I don’t think he appreciated the fact the whole world was looking for him.

“He didn’t tell his wife because he didn’t want the hassle.”

The post was viewed more than 1.5m times on Facebook and retweeted by more than 22,000 accounts, including celebrities such as JK Rowling.

Mariusz, who works in the building trade, left a generous tip for Andrew Radcliffe – known as Nobby – the barman, who had found the pay packet under a chair.

“We’re hugely proud of him. Without his honesty there would be no story,” Mr Dores said.

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