Prem Goyal announces plan to contest 2015 election



Local entrepreneur and businessman, Prem Goyal OBE, has announced that he will stand as an MP candidate for Camberwell and Peckham in 2015.

The news comes after former Labour Party member Mr Goyal, together with some local community champions, set up a new political party for Southwark, the All People’s Party “to give avenues and leadership opportunities for all people now”.

Mr Goyal said:

“After 30 years of the same politician representing the constituency, Camberwell and Peckham’s leadership is crying out for an innovative and fresh perspective that is relevant and addresses the needs of one of the most ethnically diverse areas in London.

“The people of Camberwell and Peckham are telling me every minute that the current political representation is out of touch with them and doesn’t build relationships with the whole community: in short, their votes have been taken for granted. ”

Mr Goyal told African Voice that if he won the 2015 election, he would only be an MP for a maximum two terms to ensure there are always new ideas and fresh perspectives in the constituency so as many people as possible can get leadership opportunities at the top and make a significant difference.

“If I win in 2015, I will live in the constituency and ensure that people hired in my offices will not only reflect the diversity of the constituency but also have deep roots in the Camberwell and Peckham community. I’ll never wear a bullet proof vest in my community. I’ll care for my whole community by embracing all cultures, including English, African and Caribbean, and all people.

“My priorities are to ensure Camberwell and Peckham have decent homes and jobs for all, to make Southwark a Living Wage borough and to build business bridges between Southwark and emerging markets like Nigeria.”