Other Reasons For The Season!

Gospel Choir

“Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke‬ ‭2:10-11‬ ‭

By Michael Adekoya – Glory be to God for another season of Christmas. This season means different things to different people. Truly, many say, and I know what they meant that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Truly He is the main reason for the season, but He isn’t the only one! Through this article, I’ll like to share with you some of the other true reasons of the season.

1.    Christmas Is A Time For Giving -Luke 2:11, Luke 1:26-33, Matt. 1:20-23, John 1:1, 14, Col. 1:15-20, John 3:16

When those shepherds heard the words of the angel, they were told that a Saviour was coming into the world. This child who was born in Bethlehem was no ordinary baby. He was God – John 1:1,14, Col. 1:15-20. That same Jesus (God) had to be “given up.” When John 3:16 tells us that God “gave His only begotten Son”, that is the precise meaning. God gave Jesus up to die on the cross for you and me so that our sin debt might be paid and so that we might have the opportunity to be saved from an eternity in Hell. Thank God for giving the greatest gift. 

The Shepherds gave Him gifts also – Luke 2:8-10. What will you give Him? There is only one true possession that we all have and it is our soul. If you want to give something tangible to the Lord, then it must be your soul – Mark 8:36-37. Now, the question arises, have you given your heart to the Lord? If not, there is no better time than this season to make that happen – 2 Cor. 6:2.

2.    Christmas Is A Time For Good Tidings – Luke 2:10

The angel came with a message of “good tidings.” The message of the angel was a message of salvation. This message is a message of hope! How wonderful that these wretched, sinful men who gave their lives to raising sheep were the first to hear the good news that the Lamb of God had been born into the world. It was a message of hope! 

The message hasn’t changed! The Gospel is still a message of hope. You may be one who has committed some really terrible sins. You may feel that God wouldn’t save or forgive you. He asks you to come, there is hope for you – John 6:37; Isa. 1:18-19, Matt. 11:28. 

And, just as the message was one of hope for those men that night, it is a message of hope for everyone of you too as you are reading now. It is a chance to begin life again. It is an opportunity to have your sins washed away. It is an opportunity also to share the Gospel with the unbelievers around you to know God and to be assured of Heaven when they die. Thank God, there is still hope in the Gospel!

3.    Christmas Is A Time For Amazing Grace – Luke 2:11, Isa. 9:6

My friend, as mentioned earlier, these miserable shepherds did not deserve to be the first to hear of Christ’s birth, but it was God’s grace that reached out to them. Grace is defined as “The unmerited love and favour of God toward the underserved sinners.” Just as it was with those shepherds in that field, if there is salvation in your life and mine today, it is there by grace and grace alone! There is not a single individual who deserves anything from God! In fact, if we got what we deserved, we would all be in Hell fire right now, screaming in the flames of fire and in torment – Rom. 6:23! No, I did not deserve to be saved, but God in His great, matchless, marvellous, unspeakable grace reached out to me in the midst of my sins and called me to come to Him! Eph. 2:8-9. Therefore, do not ignore the Lord! If He is calling you to come to Him, please do so, and do so today! There may never be another opportunity – Pro. 27:1; Gen. 6:3. Also it’s a time to show Grace and forgiveness to your “offenders” as well -Matt. 18:29-35. If Jesus could forgive the multitude of your sins, you ought to forgive your offenders as well during this season no matter what they might have done to you. 

4.    Christmas Is A Time For Glorifying God – Luke 2:13-14

My friend, as soon as the first angel finished his speech, he was immediately joined by a vast multitude of the heavenly host and they lifted their voices to give glory and praise to the Lord. May I remind you that Christmas, is a tremendous time for the children of God to demonstrate their faith. After all, even though Christmas has been secularised and commercialised, it is still a day set aside to commemorate the birth of the King of Kings! Through our Christmas programs, our personal conduct and family functions, we have a wonderful opportunity to show this pagan world just what this season is truly about! 

After the shepherds met Him, this became their mission. They went about telling others about Him and they went away glorifying the Name of the Lord – Luke 2:17-20. 

Let us join our voices with those of the angelic hosts and declare the great glory of God. After all, that is our duty – 1 Cor. 10:31. This world needs to know the true reason for the season!

5.    Christmas Is A Time For Going Home – Luke 2:4

On that first Christmas, Joseph returned to the ancient home of his forefathers. For him and Mary, it was time to go home. Many of us will go to be with our parents and families during this Christmas holiday season. Many will travel great distances to go home for the holidays. For some, this is what makes Christmas special.

May I say that there are some readers of this article, may be including you, who need to go home this Christmas! Like the Prodigal Son you have wandered from the Father’s house and have lived out in the far country. Now, it is time for you to come home. If you will, like the Prodigal, you will find forgiveness and blessing in the Father’s house, I John 1:9; Luke 15:20-24.

In conclusion, I am sure there are many other reasons for the season that we could find in the Word of God, but the aforementioned ones stand to remind us that the greatest need of this season, actually of any season, is for us to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. If you would like to get rid of your sins, make use of this season! If you have strayed in your walk with Him and need to come home, here is the season! If there are areas in your life where you need to follow God in humble obedience, no any other better season! Whatever may be your need, this is your season to come to the Lord Jesus. The MAIN reason for the season! Remain blessed! 

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