Nigeria gets N2.5billion from EU


David MacraeThe Federal Government of Nigeria is set to receive the N2.5 billion (approximately 12 million euros) from the European Union to boost the provision of quality infrastructure in the non-oil sector of the Nigerian economy.

At the agreement signing ceremony which held in Abuja a few days back, the EU’s Ambassador to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Dr. David MacRae, pointed out the importance of enhancing an alternative revenue source to the Nigerian economy.

He added that “the EU attaches great importance to the diversification of Nigeria’s oil economy, the role of the private sector in the creation of employment and the improvement of the living conditions of all its citizens.”

The implementation of the project will be by technical section of the United Nations Development Organisation (UNIDO) under the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) project.

Specifically, the project will support the following: promulgation of a National Quality Policy (NQP), the establishment of a National Accreditation Body (NAB), providing equipment and training for the National Metrology Institute (NMI), to facilitate private participation and support Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB), and ensure participation of Consumer Protection Council (CPC) and other stakeholders in the NQI through training and awareness creation on quality and consumer protection.

It is reported that the National Quality Infrastructure project will support the improvement and establishment of standards and quality control agencies in order to improve the quality of products and services exchanged in the Nigerian and international markets and thus boost the competiveness of the Nigerian private sector and the protection of its consumers.

It is expected that the NQI will also facilitate private participation and support conformity assessment bodies. It will bring on board the Consumer Protection Council and other stakeholders in the NQI through training and awareness creation on quality and consumer protection.

“The project is part of a wider financing agreement signed between the European Union and Nigeria to stimulate the competiveness of Nigeria and one of the many contributions brought by the EU to the people of Nigeria under the 2008-2013, 10th European Development Fund,” the statement added.