The Krios are coming – Save the Date!


By Iyamide Thomas – I know many readers of African Voice are interested in the history and heritage of the ‘Krios’ of Sierra Leone for almost 2000 of you viewed (and hopefully read) my article on this topic written for Black History Month last October! 

Iyamide Thomas – Member, Krio Descendants Union, London

Well, you are all in luck once again for this summer (30 August – 2 September) the Krio Descendants Union (KDU) London branch will be hosting the annual KDU Global Family Reunion weekend which showcases the unique history and heritage of Krios. 

For those who did not read the article or do not know who ‘Krios’ are, they are the descendants of various African-American, Caribbean and African ex-slaves and free men and women who the British re-settled in Africa in the modern day West African country of Sierra Leone starting from 1787. 

Krio heritage is thus an interesting mix of many cultures as reflected in the Krio language, lifestyle, architecture, dress and traditions. 

Much of this heritage is Yoruba as they made up a good proportion of the people resettled.

The KDU Global heritage weekend attracts people from around the world interested in Krio history and London will be no different, with visitors already booked to attend from the other KDU branches in the USA, Canada and Sierra Leone. 

The theme for the weekend is ‘Kriodom – our heritage transcending borders and boundaries’ and we particularly welcome people from Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, Congo, Jamaica (the ‘Maroons’) etc for many can also claim Krio ancestry.  We invite anyone interested in heritage and history to this unique event held in the UK for the very first time! 

There will be events for everyone throughout the weekend, ranging from a Krio drama at the opening ‘Meet and Greet’ (‘Ekushe en Kabo’), an educational symposium, an ‘Awujoh / luncheon sale’ with delicious Krio cuisine, a grand dinner and dance (Early bird tickets end 30 March at a church service including hymns and bible readings in Krio, a parallel Muslim service as there are many Muslim Krios and to end it all a picnic.

Iyamide Thomas is a member of Krio Descendants Union, London.

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