Government announces £2.5m fund to get minorities voting


The government has announced that organisations will receive a share of £2.5 million funding to encourage people to register to vote. The organisations work with people who are under-represented on the electoral register, including students and other young people and people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Cabinet Minister Sam Gyimah
Cabinet Minister Sam Gyimah

The government has also announced it will launch a campaign to encourage registration among people who are eligible to vote in the UK but who live abroad, and among Armed Forces personnel.

Cabinet Office Minister Sam Gyimah said:

The right to vote has been hard-won, and it is the duty of everyone in public life, including the government, to make sure everyone who is eligible to vote is able to vote.

It is easier and quicker to register to vote than ever before and this funding will make sure we are reaching out across society to get those less likely to be registered to sign up.

External organisations receiving a share of the funding to increase registration:

Organisation Funding
British Youth Council £80,000
Citizens Advice £50,000
Citizens UK £50,000
Homeless Link £100,000
Mencap £80,000
Operation Black Vote £85,000
UK Youth £90,000

The £2.5 million campaign is funded from £10 million announced in January to increase voter registration rates.

The government will be running campaigns to encourage overseas voters and Armed Forces personnel to register. It will also fund student organisations, including the NUS, to promote voter registration.

There will also be up to £500,000 funding for 17 local authorities that are at higher risk of allegations of electoral fraud.

The groups that are under-represented on the electoral register were identified by Cabinet Office research published in September 2012.