Cape Verdeans get custom Facebook app



Keeping up with all things Cape Verdean just got a lot easier with a new, unique Facebook app developed by entrepreneur and software architect Nick Pinheiro.
“NhaCabo,” which can be translated as ‘My Cabo Verde’ or ‘My Place,’ allows its users to connect with people, places and things related to Cape Verde in just one simple step.

“NhaCabo will allow Cape Verdeans from throughout the Diaspora to connect, interact and collaborate in a way that was never once imaginable,” according to Pinheiro, who introduced the app this week at the Microsoft office in Boston where he works. By using the new app, users can now find in just one place readily available sources of information at their fingertips with content from a variety of sites, including YouTube, iTunes, Amazon, Bing and Facebook. It can be accessed at

“By taking advantage of cutting-edge technologies, the app will create a platform to further the ongoing development of the Cape Verdean people, economy and country,” Pinheiro said.

NhaCabo has been optimised for all devices, including tablets and smartphones.
The son of Cape Verdean immigrants, Pinheiro grew up in Weymouth, Massachusetts. He holds a Master of Science degree in computer information systems from Boston University and has been working at Microsoft since January 2012, where he specialises in Web content management, document management and enterprise collaboration systems.

An innovator by nature, Pinheiro has also worked on a social portal platform he named SocialDotNet, which allows for niche communities to host aggregated content from large providers such as iTunes, Amazon, Google, YouTube and Facebook.

In addition to his work in technology, Pinheiro is very active in the Cape Verdean community, where he is known for his cultural activism. He was the founder of, a social network geared toward members of the Cape Verdean community, and of Nino Entertainment, an event production company. This past year, he joined the Cabo Verde Music Awards organisation as a member of the Board of Judges representing the Americas.