Be Led By The Spirit Of God! 

Festival Choir

“Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near and overtake this chariot.” – Acts‬ ‭8‬:‭29‬ ‭

By Michael Adekoya – Dear Reader, recently, a Church member of mine said to me, “Pastor, if the Spirit of God spoke to Peter, Philip and Paul, I expect Him to speak to me too. And He does that always.” That statement blesses me so much because I know what he was talking about. And that should be the greatest need of every man and woman today. My friend, who leads or directs you on what to think, what to say or what to do? Whose voice do you listen to before you make any choice or take any decision? Who do you receive from? Who are you accountable to? Who is your head? Who mentors you? Who is your spiritual father or leader? Who are you connected to?

My friend, one thing you need to do in this last days’ is listening to the right person – the right leader, the right friend, the right partner. Words are powerful. You need to be listening to the right voice. You need to find your father in the Spirit (read 2 Kings 2:2; Isa 38:19). Spirit has no gender! Your spiritual father can be a man or woman but must be a person of like-faith. You need to connect with a spiritual leader of like stream. If you are called into the ministry of healing, you should connect with a spiritual leader in that stream – same with ministry of faith, deliverance, prayer, empowerment, counselling, evangelism and so on. A man or a woman may be a great man or woman of God but he or she may not be the man or woman God sent to you. It is the same with a husband. This is where you need discernment because wrong spiritual father or leader or husband will limit you but the right one will lift you up!

The Bible says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the sons (and daughters) of God.” (Rom 8:14)Listen! God is the Creator of all mankind, but He is not the Father of all. It is only those who allow themselves to be led by His Spirit – led by a spiritual father (the right leadership) – are his sons and daughters. My friend, does that include you? Who is your head? Husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. As a grown up or matured woman, do you have a head? If not, ask God for one in your private prayer today. He is the One who connected Ruth with Boaz. Father is the head of a home. Is your biological father, your husband, the father of your children or the head of your home born again and full of the Holy Spirit? Does he lead your family including you by the Spirit of God? If yes, praise God. But if not, you need to cry to God and pray him into the Kingdom of God. God doesn’t want any soul to perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9) He’ll do it for you. I trust Him.

One of the greatest benefits of redemption is the privilege of being led by the Spirit of God. My friend, you are expected to be led by the Spirit of God. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. When He comes alive in you, He will guide you into all truth. He will tell you about the future (read John 16:13). He will give you the wisdom of God to make the right choices and decisions. And this comes through as you are being led by Him – the Spirit of God. Do you think that your life would be much better if you made choices or decisions based on the leading and guidance of the Spirit of God? Of course, yes! Many people had made mistakes in life based on wrong decision because they allowed the flesh, lust, greed, feeling, other people’s opinion to lead them. Can you identify with this truth? I can! But God says, “I will guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.” (Pro. 4:11-12). What a promise! We must allow Him!

Listen! It is the Holy Spirit who can guide and lead you to make choices and decisions today based on knowing what will happen tomorrow. It is only Him who can direct you to make a choice or a decision based on hindsight rather than foresight because He knows the future. And He’ll use your right spiritual leader for you. My friend, hear me! “All that glitters are not gold!” I wonder how many people had made wrong choices or decisions with regards to relationship, business, job, friendship, counsel, instruction, advice, position and career, place of abode, place of work or place of worship who are now regretting it. Are you one of them? You are not alone! Even, Samson, Solomon and Gehazi did but the Good News is that it is not too late for you. God is a God of second chance!

My friend, the Spirit of God wants to let you know the future course you are heading to. Jesus says, “But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. (John 16:13). God has a spiritual father or leader for you…your mentor… someone who will speak into your life, a person you’ll be accountable to. The Bible says, “The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire…” (Jer 7:18) Did you hear that? The right head, leader (spiritual father) will not only tell you the truth, he will kindle the fire in you. He’ll not kill it. He will bring the best out of you for God’s glory.

My friend, if you are truly born again, the Spirit of God is in you but you should allow Him to come alive! You are supposed to be led by Him. It is not the exception – it is the rule! It is not just for the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors or Teachers, it is for all believers both those who are behind the pulpits and those on the pews, those in business, politics, jobs, even those who are full time house wives or house husbands. Don’t be deceived! You can hear God directly and through your spiritual father. The Bible says, “The Spirit said to Philip: Go, join yourself to this chariot.”  The rest of the story is about how Philip led the most important man in Ethiopia to Christ and started a nationwide revival, the type we need today in our nation. This is my heart cry for you today!

Philip could hear and identify the voice of the Spirit of God because he was born again. My friend, if you are not born again, today is the day of your salvation. All you need to do now is to make a decision to confess your sins and forsake them, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, be baptised in water by emersion, receive the Holy Spirit and walk in the will of God.  The process of your salvation starts by praying this simple prayer right now:” Lord Jesus Christ, I thank You for this opportunity. I believe You came to this world to show me the way, died on the cross for my sins and rose again for me to have life. I want you to be the Lord of my life, now and forever. I am sorry for the many ways I have sinned against You and for my selfish ways of living. Please forgive me today and come into my life now as my Saviour. Wash me clean with Your blood, fill me with your Spirit; and with your help, I will learn to love, trust and obey You as the Lord of my life. Thank You for forgiving me and bringing me back to God (Amen)”.  If you have prayed this prayer, congratulation! But, find a Holy Spirit filled and Bible believing church to go as from today.

My friend, imagine you are leading your spouse, child, congregation, parent, in-laws, friends, neighbour, boss workers, work-mate, teacher, President or the head of all other religions in your community, to Christ by the leading of the Holy Spirit? Imagine what will happen in a country whose President, governors, ministers, members of parliament and advisers are led by the Holy Spirit of God? Imagine what will happen in a home, school, business enterprise or in a church where the head or leader is full of the Holy Spirit of God? My prayer for you today is that the same Spirit who spoke to Philip will also speak to you. Think what that can mean for your personal life (thoughts, utterances, actions)…for your marriage,  family, relationship, ministry, business, career, choices, decisions, preaching, advice, teaching, instructions, guidance, meetings, witnessing, prayers, and destiny, even for your club, community, city, nation and the church of God. “Be led by the Spirit of God.” – What a way to live! Remain blessed!

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