Helen Lewis becomes British High Commissioner to Mozambique

Ms Helen Lewis, British High Commissioner to the Republic of Mozambique

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, has appointed Ms Helen Lewis, British High Commissioner to the Republic of Mozambique.

Ms Helen Lewis has been appointed British High Commissioner to the Republic of Mozambique in succession to Ms Nne Nne Iwuji-Eme. Ms Lewis will take up her appointment during October 2022.

She was a Fulbright Scholar, School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC.

Ms Lewis served in Juba, as Stabilisation Adviser, UK Stabilisation Unit from 2011 to 2013. Peace and security sector roles including: Policy Coordinator at Ulster University’s International Conflict Research Centre, Programme Associate at Search for Common Ground, Washington DC 2003 to 2008.  

She was at the Department for International Development, Conflict Adviser, Conflict Humanitarian and Security Department (CHASE) in 2008 to 2010. 

She also served in Sana’a/Doha, as Regional Conflict Adviser in 2013 to 2014. Islamabad, Head, Rule of Law Team 2014 to 2016. Department for International Development, Gulf Team Leader, Middle East and North Africa Department 2016 to 2017. Cabinet Office, Deputy Director Gulf-Iran, National Security Secretariat 2017 to 2019. In Juba, she was Development Director South Sudan from 2019 to 2021.

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