By Michael Adekoya – The Bible says, “And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.”(Acts 6:8)

My friend, I think we have lost the meaning of the word “hero” today. Or what do you think? We throw it around so casually. Everyone is called a hero, from athletes to singers to actors. But a hero is really someone who does something sacrificial or courageous. Acts 6 tells the story of Stephen, the first martyr of the Christian church, a true hero of the Christian faith. As we look at Stephen’s life, we don’t see a life wasted. We see a life well-invested. We also learn some important principles about the kind of person God uses today. As God looks for a man or a woman to put His hand on, what qualities does He look for? What kind of person does He select? In Scripture and in contemporary history, one thing certainly stands out. It seems that God has always gone out of His way to use people who had no apparent potential.
The Bible says, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (2 Chro.16:9). This Scripture doesn’t say God is looking for a strong, tall, well built, rich, educated, well dressed, eloquent or matured man or woman, though He can use them, but He is looking for loyal one. My friend, I’m sure you will like to know that when God put His hand on me, it was the time I was like Peter – a person who seems with no great potential. But God uses ordinary and insignificant people so that He might get the glory…so that no one can boast in His presence (1 Cor.1:26–29). That’s His way!
God uses anything for something and He uses the ridiculous to do the miraculous. So if you feel that you are an ordinary person, if you feel that you don’t have any great abilities or skills, gifts or talents, education or eloquence and you wonder whether God could ever use you, the answer is yes. Just watch what the Lord will do when you present, make available, surrender, commit, consecrate and dedicate yourself to Him and have faith in Him.
The disciples of Jesus witnessed unprecedented miracles, healings and deliverances that He was doing. They realized those things were unusual. “Then said they unto him, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” (John 6:28). Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He sent.” (John 6:29). Believe in Jesus! My friend, that is all you need. When you make yourself available, He’ll provide the power, the wisdom, the resources, the provision, the favour, the right people you need and the connections.
Listen to this story! In a dream, God said to a Pastor: “It is time for a great man in your congregation to come home.” Because the Pastor knew the meaning of dreams, he called a meeting of all the Prophets, Evangelists, other Associate Pastors and Elders in the church to prayer and fasting. During the time of this exercise, an un-recognised poor elderly man died. Soon after the news came, the Pastor and his allied ended the prayer and fasting with thanksgiving that none of them – “the great men” in the church – died.
Few days later, while the Pastor was preparing for the funeral sermon, God ministered to him and said, “The great man in the church is now with Me in glory.” “How come, Lord?”, the Pastor asked. “The Lord replied, “You see all the miracles, healings, deliverances and wonders which I perform through you; that was the only man in the church who called on Me day and night on your behalf. He was the only man who placed a demand for those things to happen and plead on your behalf.” Hearing that, the Pastor broke down in tears. My friend, there is a shifting going on in this last and closing days. More people from the pews are going to be used by God than preachers in the pulpits. The old man was not recognized in the church but he was a great man in God’s sight because of his loyalty. The days of spectators and commentators are over.
God is not looking for the rich, well-dressed, educated, tall, eloquent, matured, well talented people to work with. But, He always uses anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, anyone connected to Him, anyone who’s surrendered his or her life to Him and position himself or herself to be used. My friend, God wants to use you. He wants to work in you, work through you and work for you! You are somebody in the Body of Christ. You are a player, a soul and city changer. You are a solution to somebody in your family, church, school, work-place, club, street, community, city and nation.
Jesus says, “The work that I do, you shall do, and greater works than these shall you do, because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12). You are a son or daughter, man or woman of God, a minister and a witness! My friend, God is saying to you today, “You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: with you I will break the nation in pieces; with you I will destroy kingdoms; with you I will break in pieces the horse and its rider; with you I will break in pieces the chariot and its rider; with you also I will break in pieces man and woman; with you I will break in pieces old and young; with you I will break in pieces the young man and the maiden; with you also I will break in pieces the shepherd and his flock; with you I will break in pieces the farmer and his yoke of oxen; and with you I will break in pieces governors and rulers.” (Jer 51:20-23) That’s what you are!
My friend, if there is a time to stand on the Word and promises of God, no matter what is happening around you, it is now. If there is a time to position yourself to be used of God, it is now. If there is a time to open your spiritual and listening ears to hear what God is saying at this hour, it is now. If there is a time to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved so that you will be saved, it is now. If there is an urgent time to confess your sins and repent from every wicked ways, it is now. If there is a time to seek the face of God and engage in aggressive spiritual warfare prayers, it is now. If there is a time to be full of love, faith, power, courage and boldness to preach the Gospel to lost souls, it is now. Many souls are lost, sick, bound, helpless and dying. Do you care? God gave you life, gifts, money, power, blessing, smile to give others!
The Bible says, “Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.” What a legacy! Jesus defined His purpose in coming to earth in terms of service. He said, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matt 20:28). Jesus’ focus in the “one another” passages is simply on how we are to spend ourselves in service to each other. If all Christians are “serving one another,” and serving people around them, then every need – spiritually, physically, morally and financially – will be met. Today, many people are walking on the streets disappointed, abandoned, rejected, battered, bitter, wounded and sick mentally, spiritually, financially and emotionally. They need you! You are somebody in the Body of Christ. God wants to reach out to people in your family, work-place, street, city and nation through you. Are you available? Please be available and let Him use you, you are a “Somebody in the Body of Christ”. You are valuable, precious, important, unique and you have an assignment in the Body of Christ, be available to discover it, develop it and be used by Him. Remain blessed!
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