The Bible says, “Isaac pleaded with the Lord to give Rebecca a child because she was childless. So the Lord answered Isaac’s prayer, and his wife became pregnant with twins. But the two children struggled with each other in her womb. So she went to ask the Lord about it. “Why is this happening to me?” Gen. 25:21-22.

Dear Readers, has your flesh been acting or in control lately? If so, welcome to the Kingdom of God. Do you ever realize that there is a shift going on in the spiritual realm in this end time? As children of God, we are now moving from anointing to glory, from church to kingdom, from slavery to ruling and reigning? So, whatever you’re going through today, as a child of God, you are not alone. Jesus had gone through it and at one point in life; some believers have experienced the same. It is common! Spiritual warfare always surrounds the birth of something miraculous. Walking in the Spirit of God is a choice that you’ll have to make everyday and some days will be harder than others! We see an illustration of this at the birth of Jacob and Esau. Isaac prayed to God for a child, God answered his prayer and Rebecca conceived with twins.
My friend, only God can do that! God answers prayers. Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given to you…” (Matt. 7:7).When Rebecca was pregnant, the Bible says the children struggled with each other in Rebecca’s womb and she said, “If all is well, why am I like this?” Have you been asking the same question lately based on what you are going through or based on what is happening to you? You’re full of joy at the beginning of January but now life seems to be throwing many challenging stuff on you. Rebecca was in your position also but she inquired of the Lord. That’s what we must always do when we don’t understand what is happening in our lives. Cry to God. He’ll answer and reveal secrets. Listen to God’s reply to Rebecca, “Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger.” (Gen 25:23).
My friend, the battle of life is always between darkness and light; between the flesh and the Spirit, between God and Mammon (the god of money), between righteousness and unrighteousness (2 Cor 6:14-18). That is why you should not mourn over what has expired or what God has rejected. You should not try to justify your past when you can move forward into the blessings of God ahead of you. Sometimes your toughest battles will be with God only, not satan. There is Jacob in every one of us and God wants to deal with him. God had to break Jacob in order to bless him. My friend, the battle of life is always between the flesh and the Spirit and the battleground is your mind. But what you feed will grow and what you neglect will die. If you feed your spirit with the Word of God, it will be stronger than your flesh. I want you to take another look at your greatest areas of defeat, failure, hardship, disappointment, betrayal, sickness, fear, worry and anxiety, wrong choice and decision; nine times out of ten you’ll find an unopened Bible, an empty prayer closet or compromise.
Even Paul said, “My new life tells me to do right, but the old sin nature… still loves sin. Oh, what a terrible predicament I am in. Who will free me from my slavery to this deadly lower nature? Thank God! It has been done by Jesus Christ our Lord. He has set me free” (Rom 8:23-25). Did you hear that? My friend, this is the secret of victory. Jesus Christ is the only solution to your predicaments. End of story! You don’t need to cry, weep, wail, worry, anxious, fear, give up or compromise anymore. You don’t need to mourn over your past or wrong choice and decisions again. You don’t need to reactivate everything that has expired in your life. You don’t need to have sleepless nights, weeping or thinking over that matter again. Anybody who doesn’t understand what’s going on may despise you, let them. All you need to do is to go to God, confess any known sins, repent, have intimate personal relationship with Jesus, spend time with Him, feed on His Word and talk to Him daily in prayer and whatever He says to you, just do it in faith and in obedience, then expect miracles (John 2:5). Sometimes, God will allow you to go through situations to prepare you or mature you for His assignment for you. There are three stages to spiritual growth. First, you’ll go through conception. It results from intimacy between two a man and a woman.
My friend, God’s love for you is clear and compelling; the question is, how much do you love Him? (John 21:15) When you are intimate with God, He’ll deposit something in you – gift, idea, revelation, business. Second, there will be formation. Paul writes: ‘My little children, for whom I labour in birth again until Christ is formed in you’ (Gal 4:19). God knows the experiences required to produce the character of Christ in us and He’ll do whatever it takes to bring it about. God wants the fruit of His Spirit in us and He’ll shake every tree of our life to get it. Next, you’ll go through pushing. When you commit to bringing forth what God has deposited or placed within you, you’ll have to push against everything everybody ever did to you or said about you. God will help you to bring it out, when you call upon Him, but it’s up to you to push. In fact, it may not happen if you don’t. You’ll have to push against satanic attacks in all their debilitating forms such as bad memories, past disappointments, failures, betrayals or defeats; low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness and inferiority, Until you do, nothing may change!
My friend, the devil may have spent years pushing you aside, pulling you back and putting you down. You may be wondering what’s happening to you. But today God is saying to you, “I want to open you up, I want to do spiritual surgery in you in order to empower you to give birth to what I’ve placed within you.” When a baby is born, everything in the family change. The same is true for you. When you give birth to what God’s placed within you, everything in your life will be affected. God’s blessing is an overflowing blessing that will touch every area of your existence. A mother knows when she’s pregnant; the same is true in the spiritual realm. So don’t fail to give birth to what God has put within you. The challenge now is not “What’s happening to me?” It is now time for you to bring it forth. Remain blessed!