Welcome Into The Glorious Season Of God’s People! – Part 3

London Gospel Singers

Bible says, “Now it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.” (Isaiah 2:2)

By Michael Adekoya – Dear Reader, I shared with you in the first and second parts of this message that we serve God of all generations – God of time and seasons and He makes all things beautiful in its time (Eccl. 3:11). And it is our understanding of the time and the season and knowing what to do, like the Sons of Issachar, as recorded in 1 Chro. 12:32, that will put us in command of the glorious season we are now.  As a Church – children and family of God – we are now in our glorious season. In God’s agenda, there is a day called, “The day of His power.” It is the season when the Church of Jesus Christ will reign and rule on earth in the midst of the enemies of God (Psa 110:1-3).

It is a time of dominion, when mortal men and women will become squad missiles on everywhere depopulating the kingdom of darkness and expanding the Kingdom of God through the demonstration of the power of God, through the Holy Spirit in and upon us. We are now in that day and time! The Bible says, “Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are Your deeds! So great is your power that Your enemies cringe before You.” (Psa 66:3). 

Another translation says, “Through the greatness of Your power shall Your enemies submit themselves unto You.” My friend, did you hear that? Not through the greatness of Your sermons, religious obligations or entertainments. Listen! Christianity without the power of God, that comes through intimate relationship with God, is a frustrated religion. Power doesn’t travel in word but in relationship with God. Your Word and prayer life should be sound! My friend, no matter how religious you are, Pharaoh would not let you go without first a demonstration of God’s power; your tittle, position, grammar, education, wealth, cozy building, silky suit or half-naked dress not withstanding. Paul, the Apostle knew this too well. He told us the secret of his dominion when he said, “My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” (1 Cor 2:4).

Did you hear that? We are the end-time Church – the Church of power and authority; the Powerhouse of Jehovah, the Change Agents and City Changer; the exalted, glorious, ruling and reigning Church.  The Bible says, “The whole earth is waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God” (Rom 8:19). God has an agenda to make His people – you, me and all believers – take charge of the entire earth. That hour, day, time and season is here now! This is the reason we cannot afford to fight each other or pull down each other. If there is a time to love each other unconditionally, humble ourselves, pray together, turn from our wicked ways and seek the face of God in spirit and in truth, it is now. No more disunity or division! No more fear, insecurity or competition. The Kingdom of God is not a kingdom of theology, kingdom of division, kingdom of disunity; kingdom of competition, kingdom of accusation, kingdom of selfishness or self-centredness. No! It is a kingdom of power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8, 1 Cor 4:20).

It is time that Christianity will no longer be grouped with other religions or mistaken for religion. We have entered the season when there will be clear distinction through clear manifestations of the supernatural as we go into the market places, communities, villages, towns, cities and nations. It is the power era of the Church and the world would know that we’ve got the answer. Yes, it is time for them to know! We are living in the days of the dominion of the saints of God, endowed with the supernatural ability to take the battle to the gates of the enemies (Isa 28:5-6). It has started! Writing to the Church, John wrote, “And has made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” (Rev 5:10

My friend, the season has come. So whether as a priest in the temple or a king in the palace, in ministry, in business, in market place, in offices, in government, in profession, etc, the ultimate of redemption is to make us reign on earth together, not in isolation or in division. You’re the Gospel Carrier! Listen, as from this January 2022, families, friends, foes, governments, companies, corporate bodies, communities, cities and nations will call upon you to seek for your wisdom, help, talents, gifts, skills, insight and foresight just as they call on Joseph, Daniel and Paul. There was a desperate need for the Gospel in Macedonia just as there is a desperate need for the gospel in our regions today. While most of us probably won’t see a vision in the night of a man beckoning us to “come over and help us” it doesn’t take a vision today. Nobody should convince us to go out there, into the streets, and be rescue agents for lost and dying souls. Everywhere we look there is the need for the Gospel. Indeed, the need has never been greater and it is time to go in the power of God for the salvation of lost human souls – “to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ” (Acts 26:18). My friend, you are the Daniel, Peter, Paul, Joseph, Deborah or Esther of our days. It is my prayer that you will start manifesting the power, authority and the glory of God from this year.

“The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.” (Hag 2:9) My friend, we are in the exciting season of the Church with greater glory in stock. Under the latter rain, it is written, “And My people shall not be ashamed” (Joel 2:25-27). Listen! As from today, no one will trace any form of guilt or shame to you again. Instead of your shame you shall have double honour, and instead of confusion you shall rejoice in your extra measure of prosperity; in your land you shall possess double; and everlasting joy shall be yours (Isa 61:7). You have crossed over to your glorious season. Walk and work in it! Remain blessed!