Government campaign reminds us that help and support remains available for victims of domestic abuse and their children
The government is reminding victims of domestic abuse that police response and support services remain available for victims and their children during the coronavirus pandemic through the ongoing #YouAreNotAlone initiative.
Domestic abuse includes physical, psychological, sexual, emotional and economic abuse and can be carried out not only by a partner or ex-partner, but also a family member. Whoever the perpetrator and whatever form the domestic abuse takes, all domestic abuse is a crime.
The campaign reassures victims of domestic abuse that they can still leave home to seek help during the COVID-19 pandemic, if this is possible. Anyone in immediate danger should call 999 and the police will respond. Anyone who is worried that they, or someone they know, may be experiencing domestic abuse can find support at gov.uk/domestic-abuse or by calling the freephone 24-hour national domestic abuse helpline being provided by Refuge on 0808 2000 247.
For victims of domestic abuse who are concerned about their immigration status, the message is the same, you are not alone, police response and support services remain available for victims and their children.
Wendy Olayiwola FRSA President, Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association UK (NNCA UK) said, “At the moment we are being asked to stay home as much as possible to keep ourselves and others safe, but we know that for some people home isn’t necessarily the safe haven it should be.
“If you are living with someone who is hurting you, threatening you or doing anything that makes you feel scared, then it is really important you take action immediately. No one should have to deal with domestic abuse alone and there is no shame in seeking help. While it may seem a very difficult step to take, there is support out there for you. We’re supporting the Government’s #YouAreNotAlone campaign and we urge anyone who is worried about domestic abuse to seek support now.”
Find more support at gov.uk/domestic-abuse or call one of the following helplines:
- The Freephone 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline run by Refuge for victims in England: 0808 2000 247
- The 24-hour Live Fear Free helpline for domestic abuse victims in Wales: 0808 80 10 800 or text 078600 77 333.
- The Men’s Advice line offers support for male victims of domestic abuse: 0808 801 0327.
- The National Honour-Based Abuse helpline run by Karma Nirvana offers support to victims of “honour”-based abuse and forced marriage: 0800 5999 247.
- The national FGM helpline, run by the NSPCC, offers guidance and support if you are concerned that someone has experienced, or may experience, FGM: 0800 028 3550.
- The National LGBTQ+ helpline offers support for LGTBQ+ victims: 0800 999 5428.
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