Union claims nurses inadequately protected as Ebola strikes again


A second Texas health worker has tested positive for Ebola and has been placed in isolation as African Voice went to press, after a colleague who also tested positive was named as 26-year-old nurse Nina Pham.

Nurse Nina Pham treated Thomas Eric Duncan, who died from the Ebola virus he contracted in Liberia
Nurse Nina Pham treated Thomas Eric Duncan, who died from the Ebola virus he contracted in Liberia

Miss Pham and the as yet unnamed new victim were both among the 77 medical staff known to have come into contact with Thomas Eric Duncan, America’s first Ebola victim to die, who lost his fight last week.

She is in isolation at the same hospital and has been reported as doing well on Tuesday after receiving a blood transfusion from Ebola-survivor Dr Kent Brantly. One man, believed to be Miss Pham’s boyfriend, is also in isolation after coming in contact with her while she was potentially contagious. The nurse’s dog Bentley is also being monitored for Ebola symptoms.

The second case of Ebola contracted at a US hospital came as nurses at Texas Presbyterian spoke out to insist there were no protocols in place for dealing with the virus – and claimed that no hospital in the country was prepared to deal with the deadly virus. The director of the National Nurses Union RoseAnn DeMoro directly contradicted the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) initial claim that a breach in protocol led to the infection of Miss Pham as she treated Mr Duncan.

Miss Pham was wearing the CDC-outlined protective gear when she treated Mr Duncan and officials have yet to identify any lapse in procedures, although experts say the mask, shield, gloves and gown can be difficult to put on and remove safely.

Dr Frieden, US Centers for Disease Control director, initially blamed an unspecified “breach of protocol” for her infection, but he later apologised after health workers said he appeared to be blaming Miss Pham.

Ms DeMoro said: ‘Our nurses are not protected; they’re not prepared to handle Ebola or any other pandemics.

The latest Texas victim is thought to be living alone and does not own a pet. Decontamination of her place of residence is currently underway and a list of people who have potentially had contact with her is being compiled.