Monday’s burial of Bobbi Kristina Brown, 22-year-old daughter of Whitney Houston who died in tragically similar circumstances to her mother last week, was notable for the presence of police officers and security guards, though not, as you might have imagined, to keep the plebs and the celebs apart.

Incredibly, given the solemnity of the occasion, it seems they were there to prevent tensions between the two sides of Bobbi Kristina’s family from spilling over into violence.
A member of father Bobby Brown’s family allegedly told a journalist that their conflict with the Houstons created an atmosphere that was like “a circus.”
“There were security guards who stood between everyone to make sure that no one got out of the control,” the source apparently revealed.
The Browns and the Houstons had several public disagreements about care arrangements for Bobbi Kristina during her six-month-long coma, so it was perhaps unsurprising that they could find little to agree on regarding the burial arrangements. According to the same source, the two sides of the family could only find common ground on a single aspect: the pink-and-purple colour scheme.
“Those were Krissy’s favourite colours,” the source said. “Her bedroom wall was in those colours. We all agreed we should honour Krissy.”
At the funeral service on Saturday in Alpharetta, Georgia, Bobbi Kristina’s aunt, Leolah Brown, had to be escorted out after shouting out: “You know you are wrong for doing this,” while another aunt, Pat Houston, was addressing the mourners. Outside the church, Leolah Brown told reporters that Whitney Houston would haunt Pat Houston.
“This has only just begun,” she said. “We are on to Pat and she will be found out. She is a Garland, not a Houston. Whitney will rise from her grave to haunt her.” Pat Houston is Bobbi Kristina’s aunt by marriage to Whitney Houston’s half-brother Gary Garland, who also uses the name Gary Houston.
Brown posted on her Leolah Prayerworks Facebook page:
“The Brown family has just learned that Marion Patricia Houston, AKA: Pat Houston, is asking for the public to send money to her foundation (The Marion P Foundation) on behalf of my niece Bobbi Kristina.
“PLEASE DO NOT SEND ONE RED CENT! As she has not even sat down & spoken to my brother Bobby, who is Bobbi Kristina’s father, about this. This is part of the proof that her intentions are very ill. This is nothing more than another scheme of Pat Houston, to try to get money put into her account for her personal gain. There is much evil hidden behind this foundation.
“Furthermore, there is evidence of serious “issues” that is prepared for the authorities of child trafficking and many other charges involving so called Pat Houston and those that are involved.
“PLEASE keep your money in your pockets and give absolutely NOTHING to the Marion P foundation. Unless you don’t mind supporting such an evil and dirty foundation!
“Lastly, keep your eyes & ears open as THE TRUTH is being revealed! God is in control today!”
Bobbi Kristina died on July 26, surrounded by her family. The Browns and the Houstons had been publicly disagreeing over Bobbi Kristina ever since she was found unresponsive in a bathtub in her Roswell, Georgia, home on Jan. 31.
She was buried at Fairview Cemetery, in Westfield, New Jersey, next to her mother, who died in 2012, and her maternal grandfather John Russell Houston, who died in 2003.