UK to support Sierra Leone post Ebola – Nick Hurd


UK Minister for International Development, Nick Hurd, arrived in Sierra Leone for the first time to consider how to best support a positive future for the country after Ebola. His trip was to seek opportunities to improve basic services for people across the country, as well as create investment and jobs.

Minister Hurd at the launch of Sierra Leone’s Energy Revolution with President Koroma and Energy Minister Macauley
Minister Hurd at the launch of Sierra Leone’s Energy Revolution with President Koroma and Energy Minister Macauley

During the visit, Minister Hurd was at the Energy Revolution: OffGrid Renewable Energy Launch at the Bintumani Conference Centre. The event organised by Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Energy and DFID with support from Adam Smith International, SOBA and Power for All.

Alongside President Koroma and Energy Minister Henry Macauley, he addressed over 400 other attendees and discuss the UK’s Energy Africa campaign. Sierra Leone has already signed up to the movement which aims to light up the African continent quickly without resorting to technology with high-emissions. Sierra Leone is the first country to sign an Energy Africa compact, which aims to unleash the solar energy market and light up Sierra Leone without resorting to technology with high-emissions.

Minister Hurd used part of his visit to speak with key Sierra Leonean Cabinet Ministers and international organisations on the continued efforts to keep the country Ebola free. In another ceremony held in Hastings, he formally hand over UK funded preparedness assets to the UN. The Minister will further focus on human development, and how to improve access to basic services such as health care, education and clean water and sanitation. His trip signals the UK’s commitment to the recovery of Sierra Leone post Ebola, and is aimed at also looking for ways to increase private sector investment, generate jobs for Sierra Leoneans and create a positive future for the country.