The Voice winner drops debut album


Jermain Jackman, the young crooner who won last year’s series of BBC1’s The Voice, has finally released his first album.


The 20-year-old, who returned to the show that he hopes will give him a career in music last weekend to perform his debut single How Will I Know, has revealed that fans can expect a mixture of ballads and upbeat dance tracks.

“As an artist I love all aspects of music. There are songs on the album which are on the Sam Smith Stay With Me spectrum and there are a lot of songs that are on the Pharrell spectrum. It’s just music that I love and music that I grew up listening to,” Jackman said of the eponymous 12-track set.

Speaking on This Morning on Wednesday, Jackman was keen to say that he didn’t want to rush release his album only to regret not doing certain things.

The London-based star’s beloved grandmother passed away during the recording of the album, but despite the loss he wanted to convey an upbeat feel. He says he was determined not to go down the predictable sad ballad route.

“All those sounds convey who I am as an artist. There’s nothing too radical, nothing too extreme. But they’re all on the spectrum of Motown. There’s a mixed vibe of emotions in the album. There’s some happy songs, some slow songs, some ‘don’t take the mick with me!’ songs.”

Jackman, who was coached by will-i-am, won The Voice 2014 with a rendition of Burt Bacharach and Hal David’s A House Is Not A Home.

Jermain Jackman, the album, and the first single from it, How Will I Know, which is different from the Whitney Houston single of the same name even if similarly bereft of proper punctuation, are both out now.