By Prof. Chris Imafidon – Anyone familiar with inventions and innovations in the old USSR, will be aware of the unpublished crucial roles played by successive African youths to the Scientific, Technological, Social and other advances or national progress of that era. However, after the collapse of the USSR, most of the African talents were dispersed across the various new states from USSR.
Officially President Boris Yeltsin, then leader of a new nation state called the Russian Federation wanted such individuals to assemble in Moscow and continue to follow the new political class.
Disappointedly, this was not the case. The Africans exercised their new found freedom and pursued “anti-Moscow” interest either in politics, religion, etc. Perhaps one of the most prominent was a 19-year-old young man who came to the USSR on an exchange program to study journalism or mass communication from West Africa. His name is Sunday Adelaja. Dr Adelaja used his genius to generate record-breaking achievements across multiple fields.
Sunday Adelaja developed intercontinental and international leadership programmes. His offline and online programmes changed the fundamentals of the old Soviet thinking. He launched the globally successful History Makers Academy and unique training (HMT).
It had unparalleled success but the values were not consistent with Moscow’s view of the world. Secondly, Dr Adelaja attracted the best political minds in Russia and Ukraine and mentored them, liberating them to articulate new thinking after defeating Moscow-backed candidates in many elections.
Many Russians believe that all the founders, lecturers, coordinators, administrators, and assistants must not be allowed to be killed by Moscow-backed RUSSIANS.
Back in the first school of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in eastern Europe, it is universally believed that this asymmetrical WAR is an artificial creation of cousin killing cousin” or siblings slaying siblings. It must stop NOW!.
At a recent meeting of London’s Ukraine leaders, the message emphatic amongst both Russians and Ukrainians was that the war should end immediately.
This unity is a reminder of a government circular that was written in 2017. The government clearly wanted Ukrainians and Russians youths equally educated to the highest level in STEM to form, the Irpin Authorities developed projects in the sphere of education for all children.
Irpin Lyceum of Innovative Technologies (ILIT). It served children of Ukrainian origin and mixed Russian/Ukrainian. Most of the staff and founder teachers were of mixed heritage.
The most up-to-date public school of the region. The first public school built in the city since independence of Ukraine in the past 30 years.
Dr Sunday, singled-handily built the largest charitable and philanthropic institution in Eastern Europe by any foreigner. He was more than a “church leader”. He was a teacher, trainer and influential leader in Eastern Europe with views that are not native to Moscow. This is why Moscow hates such individuals and wants to eliminate them and their family! Even worse, Dr Sunday Adelaja became a New York Times best selling author – publishing the same views!! And led one of Eastern Europe’s largest institution who transformed the lives of over 25, 000 people”
So to redeem himself, Africans such as Adeleja must:
1) Relinquish journalism and leadership role or trainings and work as a local journalist with Moscow view point.
2) Theologian – Quit being a religious leader except he wants to be re-trained and re-oriented as a traditional Moscow approved Priest.
3) Orange Revolution – Publicly apologise for his role he played in the anti-Moscow public protest.
4) Public square – stop all appearances for democracy.
5) Withdraw all the irritating statements he made in 2005 which led Moscow to ban him in 2005-9 Russian visa (Personal non-grata).
6) Stop championing liberal democracy or Capitalism instead become a steward for neo- communism
7) He must stop teaching or supporting “strange non-traditional worship” and follow Moscow style mantra
8) Stop teaching strategies to change the society and make more people free from the government control
9) He must not talk about reformation of the society via raising of citizens with active civil stand
So, the Kremlin, which is the heart of all governments in Russia would like to retain its historic power over its citizens and neighbouring states by monitoring influencers such as Dr Adelaja.
If Kremlin can make a public example of the “Adelajas” and any other Africans or any individuals, then its values, and relevance is preserved. If we don’t understand this central conviction, we never understand why – the hidden story of self-preservation. Therefore, the aggression of Moscow against leading Africans is not personal but universal to unexpected opposition. This battle of ideas will continue even if it means re-writing the narrative and get brothers to fight brothers or cousins against cousins. An estimated over forty percent of the fighters on both sides of the Moscow attack on Kyiv share direct Russian/ukrainian grandparents but the elites in Moscow are dedicated to their conviction and pays little attention to innocent civilians, or whether their foot soldiers are related or not. The devastation of the educational system is the subject of another story.

Professor Chris O Imafidon, head of STEM education for Russian speaking east Europeans and co-founder of the first ever Tech-based public school in Ukraine in 30 years for Russians and Ukrainians

Professor Imafidon a multi-Guinness World record holder; internationally renowned adviser to monarchs, governments, presidents and corporate leaders; Mentor to multi-millionaire tech entrepreneurs & many world record holders. His research and innovation have been recognised internationally, winning multiple awards in many continents across multiple disciplines and his mentees are global leaders in pioneers. Mentor to New York Times Bestellers and a Sunday Times Op-ed author. [Twitter @ChrisImafidon; Instagram @CoImafidon; Facebook/Linkedln/ClubHouse –Professor Chris Imafidon]