Public Health England survey


Make your voice heard

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Can you help us understand more about the relationships and health needs of black African people living in England?

It is an unfortunate truth that black African people in England are more likely to suffer from some serious health conditions than most other sections of the population.

This is a survey which focuses on the views and experiences of black Africans, exploring awareness of sexual health risks and the availability of treatment. The findings will help charities, health care workers and the government to better meet your needs in the future.

It’s a great chance to give your views and have your voice heard.

Click HERE to find out more and take part

The survey is run in collaboration with Public Health England, the Terrence Higgins Trust and TNS BMRB, an independent social research company.


  1. The NHS should stay as it is now for everyone in the country. All they need is more staff to combat the shortness of the work load. I hope the government will understand the all matter. 

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