Providus Bank offers Nigerians in diaspora free BVN and bank account

Providus MD with CANUK Exco

Providus Bank has announced plans to sign up UK diasporans enmass later this year by using the annual general meeting of the Central Association of Nigerians in the UK (CANUK) taking place on June 8 as a platform to open Nigerian bank accounts for anyone interested.

Historically, CANUK has held its AGM at the high commission’s premises but of late, the association has stepped up its game and now regularly holds meetings aboard boats along the River Thames.

This year’s AGM will take place aboard the 200-capacity MV River Princess, which shall be sailing from Festival Pier near London’s Waterloo station at 11am on Saturday June 8.

Main event sponsor Providus Bank will offer CANUK delegates bank verification numbers (BVN) while opening accounts for them. Providus Bank, which already produces a CANUK-embossed deb- it card, will then be printing and handing these out on the day, so delegates can start using them immediately.

Toyin Adepoju, Providus Bank’s diaspora affairs manager, said: “We have a partnership with CANUK that dates back to 2022, which has been mutually beneficial to both parties. We offer Nigerian banking services to their members and they in turn have a corporate partner who is always there to support their events.

“We are now taking this to a new level by asking members of CANUK organisations to apply to open bank accounts on- line, so we can approve their applications and then just turn up on the day and print out their bank cards for them. All applicants have to do is have several documents saved on your phones or PCs as they will be required to fill or attach them to complete the process.

“Such documents include a BVN, an NIN, a Nigerian passport or a notarised copy of a foreign passport, a copy of your public utility bill, a copy of your bank statement of not more than three months, a passport photograph and a signature specimen. Hopefully, most delegates will apply before the day, so that when we get on to the River Thames, all we are doing is handing out cards.”

She added that the best link through which to open an account was the bank’s self-service link, Ms Adepoju pointed out that members of CANUK organisations will be receiving other special goodies once they open their accounts.

Delegates will be treated to lunch aboard the boat in an event lasting from 11am until 5pm, with light entertainment kicking in after deliberations conclude around 3pm. Other sponsors such as Tropical Sun will be offering snacks and a hamper, which will go to the winner of the Best CANUK Logo competition.

CANUK chairman, Ayo Akinfe said:“Our partnership with Providus is a win-win situation for both parties as every Nigerian banks wants access to hard currency and our members want access to Nigerian banking services. We are offering them access to the members of our 140 or so member organisations and they in return have been a solid backer who have consistently sponsored our events.”

Abi Bada, CANUK’s general secretary added: “We would urge all members who want to pick up their debit cards to complete their applications in advance of the AGM, so they are coming to the boat to collect their cards. Also, only accredited delegates can attend the AGM, so we would please urge everyone coming on the day to make sure their association is up-to-date financially and they are properly accredited.”