Prince Philip, our father goes to glory

HRH Prince Philip 1921-2021

His Royal Highness – PRINCE PHILIP, our nation’s patriarch, was a world-renowned enthusiastic evangelist of education, ecology, equity, engineering and empowerment (youth & women) and ecumenicalism. It is painful that the Duke, the Queen’s rock – our longest serving royal leader, a brutally honest, humble, and humorous genius transitioned to heaven, while we were planning for his 100th birthday celebrations on earth. 

By Professor Chris Imafidon – The country is deeply saddened by the passing to glory of HRH Prince Philip, the 73-year husband of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the longest serving FATHER of the UK. It was totally unexpected because he had only just survived the longest stay in hospital and everyone was planning for his 100th birthday celebrations. Through his extraordinary life, “Duke of Edinburgh” taught us devotion, dedication, diversity, duty and made selfless contributions to every aspect of national life particularly in ecology, education, empowerment, and equality.   


In a memorable encounter with this author, HRH Prince Philip attempted to make us relaxed, as a group of ethnic minorities. He had overheard our group members of African ancestry asking nervous questions about protocol. He surprised everyone by walking in and saying that he (HRH Prince Philip and father of the next king) was “also an immigrant in Britain” (Referring to the fact that he was not born British, rather as a Greek). He went on to reassure other commonwealth guests of his radical views promoting diversity and inclusion of immigrants, from all backgrounds and nations. Prompting more smiles, as he asks, “Do you think you are a foreigner, how about me?”


Despite his challenging childhood, he enjoyed learning in school and demonstrated this passion also in sports in leadership by becoming the School’s Head-boy. He also captains the school’s cricket and hockey teams. He topped his class while studying at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth. During our interactions us, at in commonwealth or charity functions, he expressed his conviction that every youth has a talent that must be developed. He championed education for all irrespective of background. 

Prince Philip was Chancellor of the University of Cambridge for 35 years, from December 1976 to June 2011.  This gave expression to his passion for education. The Duke of Edinburgh performed his university duties with the same insight, energy, and practical good sense that marked all his public and private work for the monarchy. The Chancellor’s principal public function, the conferment of honorary degrees in annual ceremony, was only a part of the Duke’s involvement with the University. He visited Cambridge several times a year, and interacted with students and scholars.

In Oxford, he was a senior honorary Fellow of University College; the Visitor of St Catherine’s College and was an honorary member of Edmund Hall Cricket Club. In 1958, His Royal Highness presented Royal charters to St Edmund Hall and Nuffield College.  

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, had a long and valued association with King’s College, University of London – dating back to 1955 when he became a Life Governor of King’s College. He gave King’s prestigious Commemoration Oration in 1969, based on position as a spectator of events and ‘the consequences of indiscriminate progress’. He accompanied The Queen on her visits to King’s on numerous occasions, one of the most recent was in 2012 for the opening of The Dickson Poon School of Law, and always took a keen interest in King’s and our students. Prince Philip has also served as Chancellor of Edinburgh University in Scotland. 


I can never forget an incident when I was privileged to attend a commonwealth reception for Heads of government dubbed “Queen Reception”. A new national leader entered the hall, and looked in the direction of the Prince, said, “Where is the King? Everyone is talking about the Queen! queen!! queen!!!. I want to see the King, the proper leader”. I was deeply embarrassed by this leader’s ignorance of the British female monarchy via birth instead of marriage and looked in the direction of the Duke who answered, “I have often wondered, when we will meet a King?” I fought to hold my composure as I nearly burst out in laughter. Sadly many still think that every Monarch has to be a man!   

Long before the global doctrine of gender equity, Prince Philip believed that Queen Elizabeth, a young lady could shoulder the huge responsibilities of a head of state and monarchy. He forsook his calling as a distinguished naval officer and became a house-husband by caring for the children while his wife was on royal duties. He allowed his children to take their maternal family names, once joking that “I am the only in the country whose children do not bear his name”


Prince Philip pioneered multi-specialism groups’ investigations into various natural environments. Without any doubts, he believed the biblical injunction to “tend the garden of Eden”. He knew that humans were placed on the earth to nurture rather than torture the animals and plants to extinction. He enthusiastically called for conservation and the environment. Prince Philip used this conviction to reconcile many faith groups nationally and internationally.  He did this with the fervour of an evangelist and has successfully handed over the baton ecology and the threat of climate change to his offsprings children. This led him to become the president of the WWF and pushed the sustainability agenda.

Conservation was one of the main research interests of the Duke. He often met with Cambridge students and scholars to discuss progress. Cambridge University created the Prince Philip Professorship of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology to mark the 30th anniversary of his Chancellorship in 2007.

Professor Tim Clutton-Brock, the first Prince Philip Professor in Cambridge, believes that: “Prince Philip had a countryman’s love of nature and an intuitive understanding of animals and their habitats. His extensive involvement in the conservation of animal populations led to an acute interest in the ecological principles on which management and conservation practices need to be based” He campaigned for more studies in this area. It is widely believed that nobody who interacts with the Duke will forget the experience because, he had a keen intellect that rapidly focused on the kernel of important issues, and his probing questions quickly focus on the strengths and weaknesses of arguments.


It is interesting that even prominent republicans who hate the monarchy celebrate HRH Prince Philip’s huge contributions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). His keen interest was made manifest long before it became fashionable. He pushed away the old fashioned typewriter and embraced the Computer word-processor before most offices and he is an early adopter of internet and related technologies. He was one of the first royal converts of social media. He encouraged the palace to break down its barrier with the public by calling for the first live TV coverage of events including the coronation but will reject being described as a revolutionary, or radical but a moderniser. 

The Duke strongly supported engineering, visiting Cambridge University’s Department of Engineering regularly both before and during his time as Chancellor. He was instrumental in the creation of the Royal Academy of Engineering, which has had several presidents from Cambridge, and he championed the establishment of the Regius Professorship in Engineering at Cambridge in 2011. Students and staff at the Department of Engineering recall his lively interest in discussing their work. Dame Ann Dowling, former Head of the Department of Engineering, remembers that the Duke “had much to contribute to conversations on aircraft noise, my own area of research, not only because he was a pilot, but because Windsor Castle is right under the approach to Heathrow!”


With extraordinary foresight and radical dedication to the development of the full potential of youths, Prince Philip gave all his energy to empowerment of the next generation. Prince Philip initiated this unique programme, with religious zeal, not a club for youth development. This has become the single most impactful legacy of Prince Philip – the “Duke of Edinburgh” (DOE) award, which is open to young men and women from over 120 countries. It has impacted over 6.7 million young people in the UK alone.

It is to his youngest son, Prince Edward, that Prince Philip entrusted his greatest legacy – the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards. Prince Philip once described the worldwide award programme for young people that he set up in 1956 as a “do-it-yourself growing up kit” that is heavy on practical skills acquisition. It trains young men and ladies in skills that are missing from traditional school curriculum and helped countless young people on their sometimes difficult path to adulthood”.

It is universally recognised that Prince Philip’s timeless vision for young people has never been more relevant or needed. The DoE is playing a crucial role in supporting young people to survive and thrive despite the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic. Prince Philip in a referral partnership with the programme actively encourages all students to enrol on the programme as teenagers. The Duke was indeed a lifelong advocate for young people, believing in each individual’s FULL potential. Although it is now used by university in selecting students for admissions, the programme is great at ensuring that all young people – particularly those from inner-cities or marginalised groups – can benefit from the better educational outcomes, employment prospects, community ties and better mental health that are associated with doing DoE.”

A previous participant in the programme once said, “Even though I suffered many different challenges and setbacks along the way, I showed myself and others that no matter what mental health issues I face, it is possible to achieve anything I want. Even when others felt I would fail.” While another said that they first met Prince Philip 40 years ago at Kensington Palace when they received their Gold Award.

In 2006, Prince Philip accepted a Royal Charter from his wife, Queen Elizabeth II on behalf of his awards scheme during a reception at Buckingham Palace. 

He celebrated attending his 500th Gold Award Presentation in the UK in 2013 and continued carrying out engagements for the charity in the UK and around the world until his so-called retirement from public engagements in 2017. Much after retirement, he remained active in monitoring events.


The true son of his mother, who became Christian nun, Prince Philip’s humility forbids him from craving titles, personal attention, ceremonial honours or awards. But for the record, officially, He is His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, PC, KG, KT, OM, ONZ, GCVO, GBE, AK, AC, QSO. The Field Marshal of the New Zealand Army, Admiral of the Fleet of the Royal New Zealand Navy, and Marshal of the Royal New Zealand Air Force. The Knight of the Order of Australia. The Extraordinary Companion of the Order of Canada. The Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom.

His Naval ranks and appointments include: 

1940 – 1941: Midshipman, HMS Ramillies, HMS Valiant

1941 – 16 July 1942: Sub-Lieutenant, HMS Wallace

16 July 1942 – October 1942: Lieutenant, HMS Wallace

October 1942 – 15 Aug 1950: First Lieutenant, HMS Wallace, HMS Whelp, HMS Chequers

15 August 1950 – 2 February 1952: Lieutenant Commander, HMS Chequers, HMS Magpie

2 February 1952 – 15 January 1953: Commander, HMS Magpie

15 January 1953 – 9 April 2021: Admiral of the Fleet, RN

10 June 2011 – 9 April 2021: Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom

Royal and noble titles include •          

10 June 1921 – 28 February 1947: His Royal Highness Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark

•           28 February 1947 – 19 November 1947: Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten

•           19 November 1947 – 20 November 1947: Lieutenant His Royal Highness Sir Philip Mountbatten

•           20 November 1947 – 22 February 1957: His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh

22 February 1957 – 9 April 2021: His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh


As husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip was not the “King”, he was a consort but through tireless charitable work, innovation and creativity he played a monumental role as the TRUE FATHER of our nation. His private discussions and meetings is a very different person from the public characterization. Although he will never admit it, he broke down the barrier between the public and the palace, via many initiatives including the 1970 first royal walk-about; charity musical solo album and technology among many other.  

Professor Chris Imafidon, is a multi-Guinness World record holder; world renowned adviser to monarchs, governments, presidents and corporate leaders; Mentor to New York Times Bestellers and a Sunday Times Op-ed author. [Twitter @ChrisImafidon; Instagram @CoImafidon; Facebook/Linkedln –Professor Chris Imafidon

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