How Prepared Are You For Your Best Year So Far?


By Michael Adekoya –  “Jotham became mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God.” 2 Chro. 27:6.

London Community Gospel Choir

Dear Reader, God works in cycles. Within these cycles, He accomplishes specific things that He has already determined according to His Master Purpose and Plan. Within these cycles, He works to bring fulfillment to His purposes and promises to His people. In 2018 and beyond, things that were lost will be restored, dreams that have died will live, loose ends from the past will be resolved and long time prayers will be answered. My friend, are you prepared for these?

In the timetable of God, 2018 is slated to be a year of new beginnings and resurrection in the church. My friend, we’re due for a season of renewal! The Lord is bringing us joy in proportion to our former pain. He is replacing our years of hardship with years of blessing and preparing us to prosper in places that have been difficult in the past (Ps. 90:15-17). Wonderful times are ahead, but something important needs to happen first. It’s time for some confrontation, confession and cleansing.  Are you prepared for these?

The Body of Christ is gaining new levels of authority. Visible manifestations of the presence and glory of God will be poured out in our society, communities, cities and the power of God is going to spill out from the church to the nations. We will soon hear more frequently of angelic visitations, even from little children. My friend, please pray. We can’t settle for anything less than a heavenly visitation. Are you prepared for these?

There is a new holiness movement coming to the church. Sin is going to be exposed on an unprecedented scale. God is going to reveal the sin that is not confessed and dealt with. The word of Solomon is going to come alive –“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of mankind. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.”(Eccl. 12:13-14). My friend, are you prepared for these?

God will raise up fire-branded anointed people in society, government and work-place to influence our culture and the media. We are in the beginning of another Jesus People movement that will result in thousands of souls being swept into the kingdom of God. There is a new generation of intercessors and revivalists rising up who preach with the same fervour as William and Catherine Booth. Many people will become reformers like William Wilberforce, who ended slavery in Great Britain. Pro-life movements will spring up on every continent to address abortion. My friend, are you prepared for these?

Africa, South America, China, India and even Europe will experience powerful visitations of God. Europe is going to experience a reformation greater than what occurred in Martin Luther’s day. University campuses will be set ablaze by God’s power which will result in thousands of souls being swept into the kingdom of God. The ministry of the Holy Spirit will touch fraternities and sororities. There will be major spiritual shakings in schools and they will experience a powerful movement of evangelism. Are you prepared?

2018 will be a year of entering new gates. God will thrust those who prepare into positions of power and favor, but those who refuse to humble themselves and repent will fall as quickly as they climbed the scale of success. “Behold, I will set before you an open door and no man can close it.” (Rev 3:8). My friend, God desires to do a new work in your life and through you. He will do something new for you too – something totally new and refreshing – something beyond anything you have ever dreamed or imagined. He is going to transform your valley of troubles into a door of hope and reality (Hos 2:15). Are you prepared for these?

As members of the Body of Christ, “God is going to give us the heathen for our inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for our possessions.” (Psa 2:8). But we must ask! Christian business men and women will invest in value-based filmmaking, driving major motion picture companies to remove immorality from their scripts and productions. Young filmmakers will be “supernovas” for God. They will rise seemingly out of nowhere to places of great influence. My friend, are you prepared for these?

The flood of God’s glory is going to flow from Zion (the true church of Jesus Christ) that will affect our culture, governments, society, and nation is coming. And it will have nothing to do with our preachers’ sermons and information. It’s going to be about worship, prayer and impartation. My friend, get ready for the “Suddenly of God” which is going to hit the streets of your city. Are you prepared for these?

The Spirit of Elijah and John, the Baptist is going to fall on us. And equally, the manifestations of Jezebel spirit. But the Good News is that God has disarmed every negative power that will not allow His movement on earth. Are you prepared to prop open that veil with Davidic passion of worship, prayer, repentance, obedience and thanksgiving?

Satan is angry, but we have victory over him as we realize the battle is truly the Lord’s. There is only one safe way to open the gates of heaven and close the gates of hell on the ruling principalities and powers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places in your region. It is by humility, prayer, repentance, intercession and worship. We need God in our homes, churches, communities, society, governments, cities and nations. If we build Him the mercy seat, He will come. He will only come through the cracks of our brokenness. We must empty ourselves for Him to come. My friend, are you ready for these? Success comes when opportunity meets with preparation!

There is tremendous pressure on those God has specially anointed for societal transformation. They must not allow pride, arrogance, greed, corruption, lies, selfishness, prayerlessness, deception, distraction or discouragement to take root in their souls. They will receive a fresh wind and fire and momentum to reform their cities and nations. This is an exciting hour. Stand up and offer yourself to God so that He can use you as His witness in this new movement of the Holy Spirit that is sweeping the earth. My friend, are you prepared?

All things are ready for you to witness the best year in your life. But, the question is, are you prepared? Jotham became mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God. Today, talk to God to prepare you. Remain blessed!

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