Police in Liberia given gender training



Senior officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) have undergone a one-day gender sensitisation workshop in the capital, Monrovia. The officers have been urged to see gender issues as a major step in developing a policy for the Gender Unit of the Liberia National Police.

Gender and Development Minister, Julia Duncan-Cassell spoke recently when she addressed senior officers on the revised Gender Policy of the LNP. Giving an overview of the Gender policy workshop, the Gender Unit chief at the LNP, Amelia A. Itoka said the unit aims to implement the LNP’s gender policy and ensures gender mainstreaming in the police. Assistant Police Commissioner Itoka said the gender unit is committed to promoting gender equity in all undertakings of the LNP.

Madam Itoka said the awareness workshop is intended to create gender sensitivity and take on responsibility in addressing gender issues within the LNP. The workshop was organised by the LNP in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender and Development, UNPOL, UN Women and Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).

In separate remarks, the Assistant Police Director for Administration, Phil Gbor Tougbah and Deputy Police Director for Training and Development, Samuel Dakana lauded the organisers for the workshop. Assistant Director Tougbah promised to put into practice what was learned at the workshop.

For his part, Deputy Director Dakana thanked the organisers for the workshop. He said the training is an eye opener to senior managers of LNP.