Ony 17 black female professors, study shows


A recent report has revealed that there are only 17 black female professors in the entire UK university system.


The study, conducted by Runnymede trust a race equality charity, revealed that only 0.54% of professors in the UK are black, compared to 92.4% of white professors showing an extreme lack of diversity in Britain’s Academic sphere.

The report, which also showed that only 15 black academics are in senior roles, stated that, in addition to the lack of black and minority academics, found that ethnic minorities are also less likely to get into Britain’s top universities, even when there grades are better than white pupils.

“Evidence that white British students with lower A-level results are much more likely to get into elite British universities than Asian students with higher A-level results suggests there is unconscious bias if not positive discrimination in favour of white university applicants,” Dr Omar Khan, the trust’s director, said:

“The obvious question is – if the racial inequalities persist across every measurement of outcomes in higher education, will black and ethnic minority students continue to pay £9,000 a year for a much poorer experience than their classmates?”