Nigel Farage to star in Channel 4 race documentary


Channel 4 will be airing a documentary about diversity in Britain, which will feature interviews with controversial UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, and former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Trevor Phillips
Trevor Phillips

The documentary, titled Things We Don’t Say About Race (That Are True), will be presented by the former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips. Phillips will explore race and equality in the UK, and will ask the often ignored questions included why we Brits often find it so difficult to actually talk about race.

“The dividing lines of race, religion and culture are probably the most dangerous flashpoints in Britain today but they’re also the ones we find hardest to talk about in public,” Phillips told the Guardian. “This film points to ways in which we can say what’s on our minds without being accused of being bigots.”

Farage, and his party UKIP have received a great deal of criticism, for what many perceive as their racist and prejudice views, with many believing that the party is simply watered down version of the BNP. Since UKIP began gaining public attention several of its party members have been forced to resign for making racist, and sometimes sexist comments.

David Glover, Channel 4 head of specialist factual, said: “This film contains some very uncomfortable facts about race. Trevor Phillips now strongly believes that it’s important to get them out there so ultimately we can understand and tackle them. Trevor is arguably the best qualified person in the country to examine these issues. What’s fascinating is that having thought so deeply about them he now has a very different approach to the subject than he used to.”

The documentary will air on channel 4 on March 15th at 9pm.


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