New research from THINK! shows that while half the population (51%) would not consider consuming any alcoholic drinks before driving, a shocking one in ten people would consider having two or more drinks before they get behind the wheel.  This increases to one in five among men aged 18-34 (19%).


The government has launched a new campaign to tackle drink driving, targeting those who do not recognise that even a small number of drinks before driving can be deadly.  It urges everyone to THINK! before drinking and driving.  New adverts highlight how a second drink can double the chance of being in a fatal collision.

Road Safety Minister Andrew Jones said: “Drivers know that drink driving is wrong. It can destroy families and ruin lives.  Yet some irresponsible drivers still take the risk and get behind the wheel when they shouldn’t.

“Over the past thirty years drink drive deaths have fallen significantly but every death or serious injury is one too many.  The best way for drivers to keep themselves and other road users safe is simple: don’t drink and drive.”

Today’s figures show that the majority of drivers in England and Wales are aware of the need to avoid drinking before driving.  60% of people surveyed said that it is not okay to drink at all before driving.   However, even though 93% of people don’t think it is right to drive after more than one drink, almost a fifth (18%) admit to having done so.

Sarah Sillars, Institute of Advanced Motorists chief operating officer, said “Many of the people we work with on our drink-drive rehabilitation courses aren’t repeat offenders, many are drivers who thought that a second one couldn’t hurt.

“We support THINK!’s campaign which highlights the importance of avoiding the temptation of ‘just one more’.

“Know your limits and know the legal limit. Getting that second drink calculation wrong is easily avoided just by remembering that if you drive, don’t drink.”

Liz Brooker, Spokesperson for Road Safety GB, said: “The combined efforts to tackle those who choose to drink and drive have been successful over the years.

“But some people still think of a drink driver as someone who drinks copious amounts and gets in the car.

“They don’t realise that they could be a drink driver too, by having a small amount to drink and taking to the road.

“This campaign will make people think twice before taking another drink, helping to make our roads safer.”