New film highlights symptom for kidney and bladder cancers


Around 17,450 people in England are diagnosed every year, 7,600 people die annually

Professor Frank Chinegwundoh OBE, Barts Health NHS Trust
Professor Frank Chinegwundoh OBE, Barts Health NHS Trust

Public Health England’s latest Be Clear on Cancer campaign features, Black and Asian cancer survivors, alongside consultant urologists from Barts Health NHS Trust, Jhumur Pati and Professor Frank Chinegwundoh OBE in a new film which aims to increase awareness of the key symptom for both bladder and kidney cancers blood in urine.

The film also highlights cultural issues associated with cancer that can delay people of South Asian, African and African Caribbean descent from seeing their doctor early when they notice unusual symptoms like blood in urine.

Jhumur Pati, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Barts Health NHS Trust: “There is often a strong fear of cancer, and a perception that cancer is an incurable disease that quickly leads to death but we know that bladder and kidney cancers are more treatable if they are found early.”

“Some prefer to see a spiritualist rather than going to see their doctor or self-treat symptoms with herbal remedies. There is nothing wrong with seeing a spiritualist however, I would encourage those who notice blood in their urine, even if it’s just the once, to visit their doctor straight away.”

Professor Frank Chinegwundoh OBE, Barts Health NHS Trust: “Blood in the urine can be caused by a variety of bladder or kidney problems. Most of them are not serious but it can be an early sign of bladder or kidney cancer so should not be ignored. Blood in urine is a symptom in most bladder cancers and almost a fifth of kidney cancers. Early diagnosis and treatment of bladder and kidney cancer is crucial, so being aware of the symptoms and knowing to go to your doctor straight away could save you or your loved one’s life.”

For those diagnosed at the earliest stage (stage 1), the likelihood of surviving five years or more can be as high as 84% for kidney cancer and 77% for bladder cancer.1 However, for those diagnosed at a late stage (stage 4), survival is as low as only 10% for kidney cancer and 9% for bladder cancer.

Mrs Vitta Curtis, kidney cancer survivor featured in the film: “I went to my GP who gave me a urine test that showed that I had blood in my urine. I also experienced pain in my lower back under my ribs which I didn’t know was another symptom of kidney cancer.

Although I was shocked to find out I had kidney cancer I was so glad it was caught early and treated successfully. I feel it is important for me to share my experience in hope that it will help others, especially people of African or African Caribbean descent as I know that cancer can be a taboo in our community.

I want to encourage people not to be afraid to talk about cancer, it’s not a death sentence. See your GP straight away if you notice blood in your urine or any other symptoms. Don’t put it off; it could save your life.”

The film can be viewed at and will be aired across Black and Asian TV channels during month of March. For further information about the signs and symptoms of bladder and kidney cancers, please visit