Murder suspect recaptured after a year on the run

Johnny Mata managed to evade capture for over a year
Johnny Mata managed to evade capture for over a year

A missing murder suspect – one of four prisoners released in error from Los Angeles County Jail – has been captured in Mexico.

Gang member Johnny Mata was on remand in connection with a Christmas Eve 2010 shooting in which rival David De Andra Jr. was killed. He was mistakenly set free due to a clerical error in April 2013 and immediately went on the run. Sheriff’s investigators, working with federal and local law enforcement agencies, gathered information indicating that Mata was in Mexico, where he was apprehended and turned over to San Diego County enforcement officers this week.

Mata is just one of four prisoners released from the jail by mistake last year. Jason Gatewood received an 851-day sentence for identity theft but was wrongly released when an Orange County law enforcement agency detention request was ignored. He was rearrested the day after officials noticed he was missing.

Valerie Ray was arrested on suspicion of grand theft but was released in January 2013, after a clerk missed a bail enhancement. Ray was detained again several days later, according to authorities.

Charles Lee was arrested by Pomona police and appeared before a parole board for a violation. The board sentenced Lee to 114 days in jail on February 25, 2013, but a clerical error resulted in his release, authorities said. Lee was recaptured two days later.