Most Paralysing Virus!


By Michael Adekoya – “They were astonished, and said, ‘Where did this man get this wisdom and this miraculous power?’…They took offence at Him. But Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honour except in his hometown and in his own household.’ And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.” Matt. 13:55-58

DaGospel Choir

Dear Reader, unbelief is the most deadly virus that can poison a human soul. It is the monarch of sin, the parent sin, the first class sin, the biggest stronghold, the masterpiece of satan. It robs. It dooms. It blinds and it grinds. My friend, do you know that the devil is trying to chloroform even the Lord’s redeemed…you, I and other Christians… with this deadly poison. It might shock you if you could know how much unbelief there is in many Christian hearts. How many lands of promise we are prevented from entering because of our unbelief!  How many inheritance we fail to claim because of our unbelief! How many miracles we prevent Jesus to perform in our churches and city because of our unbelief! Unbelief is the reason why we worry and anxious! Unbelief is the reason why we are prayerless!

Many of us, instead of trusting God and going forward, we lean on our understanding and are being driven back from the border of the promised land of blessing, excluded from the joy and peace which might be ours, shut out from fullness of power, disarmed for conquest, deprived of usefulness or robbed of physical healing! Because of our doubts, we look upon situations as though they can never be remedied, we look at problems as though they can never be solved, conditions as though they can never be changed, diseases as though they can never be healed. My friend, imperative indeed today is the need of bringing your unbelieving heart before the Lord Jesus Christ, crying out, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” Doubt is fatal! Unbelief is a killer! Unbelief is the most deadly virus in town today. As Christians, we cannot afford to waiver in faith, not even in this last and dark days.


The people of Nazareth recognized that Jesus had a reputation for performing miracles and speaking with extraordinary wisdom. But, although Jesus was physically present in their midst, they didn’t receive His wisdom or experience His miracles in their own lives. You may ask, “Why not?” The Bible gives two reasons: (a) They looked at Jesus in human terms, as just a man, and they were filled with unbelief. They didn’t believe that Jesus could perform miracles for them. (b) They didn’t have the faith or willingness even to ask Him to help with their problems. This lack of faith prevented Jesus from doing “many miracles there.” They missed their opportunity and divine visitation. He went on to other towns where people had faith and didn’t allow their biases to block the work of God.


My friend, these two hindrances still keep many people from receiving God’s wisdom and experiencing His miracles today. Instead of being filled with faith, they pray and approach their problems with doubt and unbelief. They fail to realize that God is still the God of covenant,  God of miracles, and His Word is still true. “With Him, nothing is impossible.” (Matt 17:20). He looks at our hearts: Are we filled with faith or unbelief? Do we come to Him with expectation or doubts? Are we blinded by our biases, or we trust Him and believe Him for miracles?


Apostle Paul said to the Christians in Rome, “Being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised.” (Rom 4:21). My friend, let me ask you a question. “Why did God consider Abraham a righteous man?” It was because Abraham looked beyond his own shortfalls or limitations of age and strength and considered God as the One who could accomplish His own purposes and goals. Abraham came to a place in his life where he realized it had little to do with him and all to do with God. His part was to initiate the faith within himself and He did!

The Bible says, “Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead-since he was about a hundred years old-and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God.” (Rom 4:18-20). My friend, I wish you could jump up where you are and say a big amen to this truth.

What are the things in your life that are mere impossibilities? What are the mountains, hindrances, barriers, or limitations in your life? In what way are you restricted or confined? Are the problems there in order to build your faith in the mighty GOD who can enable you to ascend to the peak? My friend, once you know that it is His will for you to pursue, overtake and recover all; and do it with faith. Faith requires action when we know it is God who is speaking and leading. It may require risk. Faith is sometimes spelled R-I-S-K. Abraham did not limit God. It is this confidence in God that God honoured and rewarded in his life. And He wants to do the same with you and me this year.

Who says you are not going to have your own husband, wife or child? Who says that long time promise will not come to pass? Who says your prayers will not be answered? Who says salvation, deliverance, healing, miracles, victory, prosperity and blessings are not for you and for your loved ones? Whose says the river of God is not going to flow through you which will start revival in your land? Ask God to help you put aside your human limitations. Be willing to believe Him boldly. Truly, God can do anything with anything! He is ready to give you miracles if you have faith and don’t doubt. Trust Him today, He shall convert all your tests to testimonies and you disappointments to divine appointments in Jesus name. Amen. Remain blessed!

Jesus is Lord!

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