Moneygram gives back to schools in Hackney and Newham councils in the UK



As the school bells rings across the UK for a new session for Back to School, MoneyGram is generously giving over 10,000 stationery packs and 10 brand new kindle e-readers to schools across the Newham and Hackney borough to encourage further reading amongst primary school pupils.

MoneyGram strongly believes that “Readers are Leaders” and want to encourage primary school pupils to continue reading whilst at home to improve attainment and creativity.

According to National Literacy Trust, 57% of children and young people who engage in technology-based texts, such as blogs, enjoy reading and writing more and have more of a positive attitude towards writing. It is also found that technology based materials are the most frequently read, with almost two thirds of children and young people reading websites each week.

Oluwaseyi Oke, Marketing Executive for MoneyGram said “We are delighted to be giving out these Kindle e-readers and school supplies”. He adds, “MoneyGram is not just in the business of sending money, but we are also interested in giving back to the community and supporting education in particular”.

Names of Schools that benefited from the Campaign:
1 – Homleigh Primary School, Dunsmure road, London, N16 5PU
2 – Nightingale Primary School, rendlesham road, hackney London, e5 8ph
3 – North Beckton Primary School, Harrier Way, London, E6 5XG
4- Ellen Wilkinson Primary School
5 – Drew Primary School
6 – Star Primary School
7 – Vicarage Primary School
8 – Winsor Primary School
9 – Homleigh Primary School