Meeting indoors: how to practice safe behaviour indoors

Dr. Oluseyi Falade MBBS, RCCP, DRCOG

How restrictions are changing from the 17th of May in England

We still must stick to the rule of 6 or two households when meeting and practice covid safe behaviours, as we ease out of lockdown and restrictions start to become more manageable. Around 1 in 3 people who have covid-19 have no symptoms and are spreading it without knowing.

Since the 17th of May restrictions have changed for people in England, people can resume close contact with friends and family, including hugging. When meeting family and friends, you should keep in mind the risk of catching or passing on COVID-19. The virus spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within 2 metres), which includes hugging. The further away you can keep from other people, the less likely you are to catch COVID-19 and pass it on.

Therefore, to minimise the risk of spreading the virus indoors make sure to follow hand, face, space, and fresh air. This includes making sure you wash your hands more often using soap and water for 20 seconds, wearing a face covering in public areas and in places where you are close to people you do not live with. Social distancing is still recommended so please consider keeping your distance in public spaces and in homes visiting friends or family. To allow a safer indoor setting it is also recommended to open the windows to blow the covid-19 particles away, when you let your friends in, let the fresh air too. 

This will be an emotional time for all so please remember to take precaution by following Covid safe practices, above all else let’s keep each other safe.

Dr. Oluseyi Falade, a GP with NHS England said, “As the lockdown eases it is really important that we continue to remember that restrictions were out in place to curb the spread of the disease and we have seen a great reduction in the number of new cases and severity of illness too. Please continue to observe the 2 metres distance in order to reduce risk of spread of the virus.”

“Please remember to keep safe and protect those around you as well by washing your hands regularly, wearing your face mask, avoiding overcrowded places, following the restrictions in numbers indoors and not mixing with more than 2 households. Together we must continue to keep safe and follow guidelines which are helping to prevent and reduce COVID infections.”


Everyone can take these measures to minimise risk and transmission of the virus:

● Meet outside where possible, if meeting indoors restrict this to groups of six or from two households.

● Remember that some people are more vulnerable than others: close contact is riskier for some people more than others, caution should always be exercised.

● Minimise how many people you are in close contact with and for how long.

● Take a rapid test twice a week, even if you don’t have symptoms

● When in a public place wherever possible maintain 2m distance and wear a face covering

● Wash or sanitise hands regularly

● Let fresh air in

● Follow Hands/Face/Space/Fresh Air

   This is the first time since 2020 people from other households are allowed to meet in indoor settings in groups of 6 or two households and the first time individuals are allowed to be in close contact with family and friends – which includes hugging.

    Indoor hospitality, entertainment and sporting venues can reopen from the 17th May. Larger gatherings (of up to 30 people) during celebratory life events such as Christenings and Weddings in outdoor and Covid-19 secure indoor settings are now permitted.


Indoor entertainment, attractions and indoor hospitality will reopen (for example indoor seating in restaurants, cinemas, bowling alleys, museums, theatre performances and organised indoor sporting events.

Remaining accommodation such as hotels, hostels and B&Bs will reopen and overnight stays within England will be allowed for groups of up to six people or two households.

Organised indoor adult group sport and exercises classes can resume.

Wedding receptions, christenings, wakes and other commemorative life events can take place with up to 30 attendees in outdoor or Covid-Secure indoor settings.

Some large events, including conferences, theatre and concert performances and sports events will be able to resume with capacity limits, which are:

Indoor events: Up to 1,000 attendees or 50% of a venue’s capacity, whichever is lower.

Outdoor events: Up to 4,000 attendees or 50% of a venue’s capacity, whichever is lower.

Large outdoor seated events: Up to 10,000 attendees or 25% of a venue’s capacity, whichever is lower.

Care home residents can have up to five regular visitors, with up to two visitors at one time or in a single day (in addition to their essential care giver). Residents leaving the home for a low risk visit, such as a walk in the park, will no longer have to self-isolate for 14 days when they return.

Hands, Face, Space, Fresh Air


• Wash your hands more often using soap and water for 20 seconds and dry them thoroughly.  

• Where available, use sanitiser outside your home, especially as you enter a building and after you have had contact with surfaces. 

• Avoid touching your face. 


• Wear a face covering in enclosed public spaces where social distancing is difficult and there are people you do not normally meet.  

• You are required by law to wear a face covering on public transport, in shops, pubs, gyms and certain other settings, but some people may be exempt. 


• Close contact with family and friends is a personal risk, consider keeping your distance, caution should always be exercised.  

• Social distancing is still recommended in formal public and structured environments

Fresh Air 

• Fresh air helps blow virus particles away.

• When you let friends in, let the fresh air in too.

You’re much safer indoors if you keep windows open, as fresh air blows Covid particles away.To minimise the risk of spreading the virus indoors make sure to follow hand, face, space, and fresh air. This includes making sure you wash your hands more often using soap and water for 20 seconds, wearing a face covering in public areas and in places where you are close to people you do not live with. Social distancing is still recommended so please consider keeping your distance in public spaces and in homes visiting friends or family. To make indoor settings safer it is also recommended to open the windows to blow the covid particles away, when you let your friends in, let the fresh air in too. 

For more information on how to stay safe, visit

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