MANSAG the only body representing over 5000 Nigerian Medical Practitioners, Nurses, Pharmacists, Midwifes, Radiographers and other Allied Healthcare Professionals in the British Isles will set the agenda for the provision of good quality healthcare in Nigeria and the UK at it’s 30th annual Conference & Charity Ball on 25th – 27th October 2019 in London.

This 30th edition Conference & Charity Ball is schedule to be held at the Double Tree by Hilton Docklands, 265A Rotherhithe Street, London SE16 5HW.
Historic background of MANSAG
Whenever you find two or more Nigerians gathered for the briefest of moments, more often than not, the travails of Nigeria are discussed intensely and passionately with frustration and despair. In the case of MANSAG, these discussions often dovetail into desperate and frustrating conditions that Nigerian doctors are subjected to whilst pursuing their careers in the NHS. Following several conversations, Hosea Gana, Cally Nwosu, Olu Obaro, Andrew Baderin, and Titus Odedun to name a few, felt that the time for talking was over and practical solutions were required. To this end, a series of meetings were organised.
Preceding and concurrent with these meetings were issues of a constitution and a name for the body. A constitution drafting committee was inaugurated which included senior members, particularly Professor P. Osuhor who was a professor and a mentor of many of the founding members. The final drafted document was completed in the house of one of the members, Steve Orife.
The initial name was ANCASAG, Association of Nigerian Specialists and GPs in British Isle. Dr Amadi (Late) coined MANSAG, Medical Association of Nigerian specialists and general practitioners in British Isles. The journey continued with the numbers gradually increasing and enthusiasm rising. The meetings were held in members house to start with, moving on to public places in Liverpool, Newcastle upon Tyne etc. It is important to note that the enthusiasm was such that the next big hurdle was crossed when a meeting was held in a five-star Hotel in Leicester. Mr Sola Oni and Uche Ngwu hosted the event; also present were international guest speakers. The meetings also formulated policies with respect to achieving goals in Nigeria and also method and mechanisms of consolidating the organisation’s status in the British Isles.
The acronym MANSAG was initially the medical association of Nigerian specialists and general practitioners in the British Isles according to the first constitution, which was adopted on the 19th September 1998 and was revised 12th September 1999. The acronym was changed to reflect the changing playing field and to be inclusive of healthcare professionals including the nurses, the midwives, the radiographers, laboratory scientists, pharmacists and all other allied health professionals of Nigeria origin.

Purpose of the annual conference
MANSAG annual educational symposium and General Conference – Here MANSAG addresses healthcare issues affecting Africans in general and Nigerians in particular including but not limited to Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Sickle cell disease, Prostate cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and mental health Issues. These events also provide education and training and CPD points for our members.
The Medical Missions include annual MANSAG training week and hands on medical engagement with the healthcare professionals back home in cities and rural regions of Nigeria. These offer opportunity for active engagement with Nigerian Healthcare workers and in private and public health institutions. The most recent mission was the Trauma Counselling Training and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Humanitarian mission in Jos, Nigeria.
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