King of Morocco revokes pervert’s pardon


King Mohamed VI of Morocco has rescinded his pardon of a Spanish paedophile following furious protests. Baton-wielding police broke up a protest in Rabat by hundreds outraged by the pardon. In running clashes, the police clubbed demonstrators to prevent them from gathering in front of the Moroccan parliament; injuring several people including journalists.

Daniel Galvan Fina was one of 48 Spaniards imprisoned in Morocco for various crimes, who were given a Royal pardon by King Mohamed at the personal request of Spain’s King Juan Carlos on his recent visit. However, now Morocco’s ruler’s aides claim, via a palace statement, that he had not been aware of the serious nature of Fina’s crimes. Fina was serving a 30 year sentence for raping 11 children aged from 4 to 15.

The investigation should “determine the responsibilities and the failures that led to this regrettable release,” the statement said.

Referring to Fina’s offences as “monstrous”, the statement concluded: “The king was never informed – in any way or at any time – of the seriousness of the abject crimes of which the person concerned was convicted (…) It is clear that the sovereign would never have consented (to his release).

The pardon sparked outrage in the conservative North African nation, which has seen several high-profile paedophile arrests in recent months. Protesters slammed the pardon as “an international shame” with one demonstrator saying the state “defends the rape of Moroccan children”.

The king often pardons prisoners on special occasions, such as Throne Day, but the decision to release the Spaniards at the request of the monarch of a former colonial power riled many Moroccans.

Fina is thought to have already left the country. According to the Palace, Morocco’s justice minister would discuss with Madrid “the next step after the pardon’s revocation.”