If You Can Believe, All Things Are Possible In 2024. Part 2


For with God nothing will be impossible.”” Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭37‬ ‭

”Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”“ Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭23‬ ‭

By Michael Adekoya – Dear Reader, in continuation of last week’s article that it’s possible to do great and mighty things for God, for His Kingdom and for His glory in this year 2024 and beyond by gleaning some lessons from the Biblical account of Mary whom God used to do what no one has never done and will ever do again. She heard specifically from God, although she was favoured by God but her life of purity also contributed to her being chosen and favoured by God, she depended on God’s Resource – the Holy Spirit alone, she had unwavering faith in God’s word and she hastily put the words of God into action by visiting Elizabeth who just received her miraculous conception as well. Therefore, this article, shall cover the final point for us to accomplish great things for God, we need to locate, visit, mingle and walk with the Elizabeth’s. You may ask me then, who are the Elizabeth’s, well that’s what this article is going to answer in details.

Firstly, the Elizabeth’s are those who are currently accomplishing the impossible things for God. The Angel said to Mary, “Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren.” Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭36‬. In order words, Elisabeth is someone who has received miraculous conception as well, it’s someone who still believe, walking and operating in the impossible, it’s someone who is not telling what God has accomplished through him/her in the past but still operating in the miraculous power of God, it’s someone who received his/her conception (visions and dreams) from God as well, it’s someone who was once barren but now fruitful and not someone who was once fruitful but now barren, it’s someone who is still walking with God in his/her old age, it’s someone who is still relevant in the things of God, it’s someone who is still current, a man/woman of today and not a man/woman of yesterday or yesteryear. My friend, to do the seemingly impossible things for God in this year, you need to visit, relate, mingle, walk, visit, talk to or pray with the people who are relevant and currently doing great things in God and for God, not a man/woman of yesterday.

Secondly, Elizabeth was filled, controlled, acted and spoke by the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, “And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭41‬-‭42‬. As soon as Elizabeth heard the greetings of Mary, her own baby leaped in her womb, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and she spoke. The Elizabeth’s are those that rejoice on hearing your vision, they are those who allow the Holy Spirit to control what they’ll say on hearing your great vision, they are those who are in tune with the Holy Spirit, they are those who believe that your vision shall cause their own vision to “leap”, they are those who will not speak in the flesh that your great vision “is impossible”, “it’s selfish ambition”, “it can never be done”, “you’re such a dreamer” or “you’re too young or inexperienced to accomplish this”. The people you need around you to accomplish great things for God are those who see things through the eyes of the Spirit, who are led, controlled and speak through the help of the Holy Spirit. Please be watchful and run away from dream and vision killers, those who will discourage you, those who will tell you one million and one reasons why you can not do great things for God. Run away from those who operate, live and speak in the flesh and not according to the Spirit of God. They can kill your dreams and ambitions.

Thirdly, the Elizabeth’s are those who are not threatened, fearful, envious or jealous of your vision even when it’s “greater” or “bigger” than theirs. The Bible says, “But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.” Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭43‬-‭44‬. Elizabeth knew that Mary was carrying the Creator of the heaven and earth in her womb. She knew that her own baby was going to be a forerunner of Mary’s Child. She has been six months pregnant before Mary, so her conception was older than Mary’s but Mary’s one was greater in all realms than her own conception (vision or dream). But Elizabeth was not threatened, envious, fearful or jealous of Mary’s conception ( vision or dream). My friend, you have to have these kinds of people as your mentors, friends, business partners, ministry colleagues and associates to do great things for God in this year and beyond. I mean those who believe that their conceptions, visions or dreams are great too no matter how “small” or “little” in the sight of man it may be, so far it’s from God, it is “big”, “great”, “mighty” and shall not be concerned negatively by it to look for your downfall, troubles, problems or become stumbling blocks on your way, those who would not allow the devil to use them against your vision, those who would not allow the devil to use them to spread evil reports, gossips and lies about you and about your vision.

My friend, are you an Elizabeth in this sense for someone too? If not, you need to change your ways to avoid the wrath of God because no matter your opposition, God’s purposes, plans, agendas and desires shall certainly be fulfilled but it’s a pity that you may not be partakers of the blessings of it. It’s a pity that God may choose to take you away or out to realise His plans, remember Pharaoh and Herod. It’s a pity that God may even choose to realise His purposes, plans and agendas even in your presence making you helpless and harmless to stop it. Remember Ps. 23:5a “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”. Be careful! Don’t be a stumbling block to other people’s destiny, vision or assignment, the consequences are terrible, please avoid it!

Furthermore, the Elizabeth’s are those who believe with you that those things that God said to you may seem to be impossible but it shall be done because God said it. The Bible says Elizabeth said, “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”” Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭45‬. Elizabeth pronounced blessing on Mary, she didn’t curse or wish her otherwise. She strengthened her believe despite the fact that Mary was younger and inexperienced. She encouraged her that what God have said to her shall surely come to pass, “Mary, don’t figure out how it’s going to be done, just believe the word and the One who gave you the promise, conception or the vision”. My friend, we all need these kind of people around us to do great and mighty things for God in this year and beyond. You need those who would not create or add to your fear, as you’re already carrying a “fearful vision” or “a big vision” worthy of creating fear in you already. You need to surround yourself with people who can see God and possibilities in your vision. Those who can assure you in God that God is able to do that which He has promised you. I’m not talking of those who flatters you, or those who tells you what you want to hear but rather those who will tell you what you need to hear. Those who will assure you of the mightiness of your God. Those who will remind you of the greatness of your God above the oppositions or attacks of the enemies. Those who will not tell you stories of those who devil, enemies, lack of money or lack of connections prevented them from achieving great things for God. But those who shall reassure you with the examples of those who did and are doing great things for God, through God, in God and with God both in the past and in the present to strengthen your faith and to render your “fear” powerless.

In conclusion, my dear friend, Mary was able to conceive and to deliver the Saviour of the whole world. A great feat that no one has ever done or could ever do again. As our text says, “For with God nothing will be impossible.”” Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭37‬. If your motive is right, if your intention is to glorify God, walk with God this year in purity, walk in holiness, run away from secret sin, depend on God’s resources, trust the Holy Spirit in you, have faith in God, obey the words of God, follow what the Bible says, don’t be conformed to this world, walk with likeminded people (the Elizabeth’s), pray, confess and follow God’s pattern for your life, vision and dreams, you shall be surprised that many oppositions, attacks, enemies, hindrances and obstacles shall arise from those that you least expected but never allow any of these to stop you. It is normal for anything of God to arouse demonic and human oppositions and it is normal too for all the oppositions against the things of God to fail woefully if the people of God fail to give up. The Bible says, “Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me. Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.” Isaiah‬ ‭54‬:‭15‬. 

On this premise, I can see you accomplishing great things for God, healing the sicks, raising the dead, casting out demons, winning souls for the Kingdom, going places that others dread to go for Jesus, buying and building great buildings for the use of the Kingdom, preaching the Gospel on television, starting your own business, employing and paying the salaries of hundreds of employees, donating unbelievable amount of money to propagate the Gospel, your lost loved ones coming to God in multitude, composing and recording your own Gospel albums, establishing your own radio and television stations. My friend, if your mind can conceive and believe it, it can be achieved, trust God. See you at the top, the world shall hear your glorious testimonies, remain blessed!

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