Home Office wants your feedback



The Home Office is inviting visa applicants to comment on their experience with a view to improving its service. The following has been posted on the Border Force website:

“If you are making a visa application in the UK you now have the opportunity to tell us about your experience through a new customer satisfaction survey.

The survey is currently open to customers making visit, work, study, family and permanent migration applications in the UK. It does not include intermediaries (sponsors, representatives, etc), asylum applicants or cases dealt with by our immigration enforcement team. You can take part whether you use our standard service or our public enquiry office premium service. From December, the survey will also be available to customers who have made applications to UKVI from overseas.

The aim of the survey is to find out how well the application process meets your needs and how we can improve in the future.

When you receive your decision letter, it will include a web link and QR (quick response) code to a 10 minute online questionnaire, asking you about the service you have received.

Your feedback will be completely anonymous; it cannot and will not be linked with your application in any way.

The success of our research depends entirely on your voluntary co-operation, and we do hope you will be able to take part.”