Give Thanks Always!


By Michael Adekoya – The Bible, “Giving thanks always for all things to God, the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph.. 5:20

Christ Apostolic Church Surrey Docks HQ Youth Choir

Dear Reader, let me ask you these questions. “Do you have difficulty with delayed answer to your prayers? Are you down cast or miserable? Maybe you are confused or weary? Are you filled with sorrow? Maybe when you look at what is happening in your life or around you, you have no option than to complain or murmur? Are you not contented or satisfied? Probably you have done what is needed to be done and yet, the solution seems not coming or delayed? An attitude of gratitude can change those things and literally transform your life.

There are four levels of living. People in the lowest level constantly complain. These people are always griping, murmuring and complaining. They are always sad. Rather than being humbly grateful, they’re grumbly hateful. The second level is just a little higher. These are not people who are constantly complaining; they just never give thanks for anything. They take things for granted. People in the third level are those who thank God for the obvious blessings, when things are going good, when their needs are met and everything are going fine. But the fourth level, which is the highest level, is those people who give thanks to God always for all things, either good or bad. This is the attitude that will change your life.

You may ask, “But Michael, how can I achieve the highest level?” Of course! Let me give you five principles that will help you achieve the highest level. First, you must know that anything good that you have today came from God. You didn’t get it by luck, ingenuity, hard work, or by your wisdom. It is proper to thank God for it. Secondly, you’re not just simply to be thankful on Sundays in the Church alone. One day weekly is not long enough to thank God for all that He’s given you.

His blessings come daily. Psalm 68:19 says, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation …” His steadfast love never cease. Even His mercies are new every morning (Lam 3:22-23) My friend, every day God has brand-new blessings and mercies for you, and every day ought to find you thanking God. Every prayer that you pray ought to be salted with thanks.

The Bible says, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thes. 5:18). My friend, in everything gives thanks. Not in some things, but in all things. Good or bad! Every area of your life is to be a subject of thanksgiving. There’s so much to thank God for. If you didn’t have anything else but Jesus and life, you have enough to praise God for all eternity. You should be thankful for your husband, wife, children, parent, siblings, fiancée, fiancé, relatives, friend, enemy, leader, health, food, and even for the free air you breathe in. Thank God for the simple things. You can even be thankful for the heartaches, the uncompleted project, the redundancy, the pain, the disappointment, the loneliness, hardship, trials or challenges. Bible says, “All things work together for good…”(Rom 8:28).The thing itself might not be good, but it is God who is working all things together for good.

My friend, do you want to live on the highest level of life? Cultivate the attitude of gratitude always and in all things. I don’t care how bad, difficult, dark, or mysterious things get; take the ultimate step of faith and say, “God, You’re greater than this, and I thank You.” You may say, “Well, I don’t feel like thanking Him.”Don’t thank Him by feeling; instead thank Him by faith. You’re not told to feel thankful but to be thankful. Nothing shows your faith in the absolute sovereignty of God more than just simply thanking God in every situation. Thankful people are happy people. This is a proven truth. I challenge you to try it as from today or as from this month.

  “Well,” you may say, “if I had something to be thankful for, I’d be happy.” My friend, you have missed the point! You do have something to be thankful for. You have life. You have Christ. You slept and woke up. You are still breathing. You are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God. You may say, “But Bro Michael, my circumstances are not good.” You may say, “But, I’m still single.” .You may say,”But, I’m jobless.” Or I’m a victim of the current global financial crisis.” Or “I’m yet to be healed.” Or “I’m going through stress, pains and hurts and frustrated.” Listen! The Apostle Paul was in prison when he wrote this, yet he was rejoicing in the Lord. Gratefulness turned his prison to a palace, but ungratefulness can turn your palace to a prison. I’m telling you, the attitude of gratitude will change your life and take you to higher altitude.

Before we are told to give thanks in Eph 5:20, verse 13 says, “…Be filled with the Spirit.” My friend, listen! Living with gratitude is supernatural, not a human way or a natural way to live. And this kind of thankfulness only comes out of an intimate relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is the substance of it, the source of it, and the strength of it. We are to be filled with the Spirit, and we are to be giving thanks. And that’s the only way we can do it.

My friend, whether you’re in a palace or in prison today, as Paul was; whether you have abundance or you lack something, whether you are married or single and lonely; whether you are rich or poor; whether you are healthy or sick; whether you are employed or jobless, whether you have your children or yet to have one; whether you have received answer to your prayer or not, you can praise God. Praise Him for your life, for your family, for His love and grace, for the air you breathe in free of charge. Praise Him for His goodness and His wonderful works! Enter His gate with thanksgiving in your heart and into His court with praise in your mouth. I’m telling you it will change your life. Bitterness, fear, self pity, ungratefulness, negativism, complaint, dissatisfaction or attitude of ingratitude will go out of your life if you will practice the grace of gratitude. And it’s possible when you let the Holy Spirit fill you today. Remain blessed!

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