Focusing On The Finish

Faith Tabernacle Choir

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” – 2Tim.‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭

By Michael Adekoya – Dear Readers, I have been led by the Holy Spirit to write to you this week on the topic, “Focusing On The Finish”. From the context of our Bible text, the Apostle Paul reflects on his life and ministry, using imagery that conveys perseverance, faithfulness, and the achievement of a spiritual goal. This powerful statement encapsulates the idea of how the Believers in Christ should finish their Christian journeys as this scripture summarises Paul’s journey of steadfast devotion to his calling in Christ. From this Bible verse, we can learn some elements of how to finish well.

Firstly, “I have fought the good fight”– Paul acknowledges the struggles, opposition, and challenges he faced as a servant of Christ. The Christian life is often described as a spiritual battle (Eph. 6:12). To focus on the finish requires intentional efforts, discipline, and courage to overcome obstacles and stay committed to the mission despite all obstacles, challenges, troubles and problems that are able to prevent the Believers from finishing well. 

Secondly, “I have finished the race” – Apostle Paul first of all identified his calling, his purpose and his assignments. This enabled him to channel all his efforts, determination, power and all the graces he received from the Holy Spirit to complete it. Paul reflected on his determination to complete the task God gave him. He stayed on his course, enduring trials and setbacks, yet remained unwavering in his pursuit of God’s purpose. Finishing the race symbolizes reaching the end of one’s life or calling with faithfulness, knowing you have fulfilled your God-given mission, purpose and assignments on earth. 

Lastly, “I have kept the faith” – For Paul to keep the faith, he first of all knew what the gospel is all about, he understood the message, the power and the purpose of the gospel. He contended for the gospel (Jude 3) by refusing to water it down, he did not add or deduct from the message and he stood against those who tried to compromise the message of the gospel by confronting them, by his lifestyles and through his writings. Paul emphasizes his faithfulness to the gospel and his commitment to Christ. Despite hardships, he held firmly to his beliefs and never wavered in his trust in God. Keeping the faith is essential for finishing well, as it sustains the believer through life’s challenges.

Paul’s testimony in 2 Timothy 4:7 provides four clear models or principles for any Believer today who desires to finish their Christian journeys well and fulfilled. These four principles are as follows,

Firstly, stay engaged in the fight of faith – Be reminded that life as a Believer involves spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-18). Focus on the finish by being conscious of your arch enemy – the Devil, staying vigilant, equipping yourself with God’s Word, and relying on His strength to fight against temptations, doubt, worries, flesh, discouragement, worldliness, distractions and so on. 

Secondly, run your Christian race with endurance – Like Paul, as Believers, you need to view life as a race, requiring endurance and determination. Hebrews 12:1–2 similarly encourages believers to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.” Christian race is not like 100 meters race that can be completed in few seconds, it’s a marathon race that is not only long (it depends on how many years you’re given to spend on earth) but has a lot of obstacles, curves, bends, mountains, valleys, pebbled roads and so on. Therefore, endurance is required, we need to depend, rely and trust the Holy Spirit that dwells in us. 

Thirdly, remain faithful – 1 Cor. 4:2 says, “Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” Therefore, as a Believer who desires to finish well and strong, faithfulness to God, to His Word, and to the calling on your life is crucial. This means knowing the truth, standing firm in truth, resisting compromise, and trusting God to sustain you to the end.

Finally, focus on the rewards – The last principle that can be learnt from our text of this week and from Apostle Paul who wrote it is that he had his eyes on the eternal crown of righteousness awaiting him (2 Timothy 4:8). He stayed focused on the eternal rewards rather than the temporary, perishing and valueless earthly rewards. He focused his attention on eternal rewards and perspectives which inspired him to persevere in the midst of all the contrary opposition, persecutions, troubles and problems, knowing that all his efforts will be rewarded by Christ Himself on getting to heaven. 

In conclusion, dear fellow Believers, let’s desire to finish our Christian race well and strong, remember “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭13‬. It is not good for anyone to begin and not desire to finish the Christian race, remember Demas. It is not good to start and to look back, remember Lot’s wife. It is not good to start well and finish woefully, remember Judas. Therefore, let’s desire to finish our Christian journeys strong and well by learning from the principles that the passage of this week taught us. We are called to live with purpose, resilience, and unwavering faith, aiming to finish the race of life with the confidence that you’ve fulfilled God’s calling. We are challenged and encouraged to fight well, endure faithfully, and trust in God’s promises, relying on the Holy Spirit and keeping our eyes on the ultimate goal—eternal rewards and especially dwelling in His presence throughout all eternity. Remain blessed!

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