First black female appointed British High Commissioner


Ms NneNne Iwuji-Eme has been appointed British High Commissioner to the Republic of Mozambique in succession to Ms Joanna Kuenssberg. Ms Iwuji-Eme becomes the first British black female career diplomat to be appointed High Commissioner. She will take up her new role in July 2018.

NneNne Iwuji-Eme

Ms Iwuji-Eme has spent 16 years in the Foreign Office, with roles ranging from Economic Adviser for Africa to Chief Press Officer to the Africa Minister, she has also worked as an Economist in Defra and for Royal Dutch Shell. Her most recent posting was to Brazil as First Secretary Prosperity and Acting Prosperity Consul.

African Voice seeks the opinion of Diaspora Leaders on their thoughts on the appointment, majority said, it will be interesting to see when diversity will be reflected on postings to countries like Canada, Australia, Europe and United States.


NneNne Iwuji-Eme said: “It is an honour and a privilege to be appointed High Commissioner to Mozambique.

“I hope my appointment as the first British black female career diplomat to this position will inspire young talent, regardless of race or background, to pursue their ambitions in the Foreign Office. I look forward to forging even stronger connections between Britain and Mozambique two close members of the Commonwealth family.”

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said: “As the country heads in a new and exciting direction, it’s important that we have the brightest and the best batting for Britain.

“Our great diversity is an invaluable asset on the global stage, and it’s only right that at all levels the FCO reflects this.

“As a continent with some of the world’s fastest growing economies, Africa is an important partner post Brexit. NneNne has the vision, experience and energy to take our relationship with Mozambique to the next level, and I congratulate her on her appointment.”

The Foreign Office has made huge strides in improving diversity. Just under a third of Missions (32per cent) are headed up by women up 200 per cent since 2008, and half the FCO board is female. Black and Minority Ethnic currently make up 13.4 per cent of Foreign Office staff, with the FCO board and BAME networks improving diversity with tailored training and mentoring programmes and a schools outreach programme.

The FCO is working to improve diversity in the Diplomatic Service and his been awarded a Gold banding for race, in the Business in the Community Diversity Benchmark, the UK’s most comprehensive benchmark for workplace diversity.

Chigozirije NneNne Iwuji-Eme is presently Sao Paulo, Deputy Prosperity Consul /Head of Prosperity. Brasilia, First Secretary (Political) from 2013 – 2014. FCO, Chief Press Officer covering Africa Minister, South Asia, North America, UN in 2012.

Between 2011 – 2012 FCO, Head of Section, Strategy and Resources, Global Economy Group and FCO, Head, Great Lakes Section, Africa Directorate in 2009 – 2011.

In 2008, she was FCO, Policy Analyst, Directorate for Strategy, Policy Planning, and Innovation.

Royal Dutch Shell (Netherlands), Scenarios Planner/Senior Africa specialist from 2006 – 2008.

In 2002 – 2006 FCO, Head, Africa, Middle East and Transition Economies, Economic Policy Department

1999 – 2001 Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Economic Adviser.

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