FIFA Ethics Committee calls for greater transparency


As Trinidad judge postpones extradition hearing for Jack Warner


Indicted: The former Fifa vice-president Jack Warner
Indicted: The former Fifa vice-president Jack Warner

The independent Ethics Committee is calling for greater opportunities for transparency in its proceedings. More specifically, the chairmen of the two chambers will apply to the FIFA Executive Committee for the ability to confirm ongoing proceedings against accused parties upon request and to justify judgements publically, even if the decision has not yet become legally effective.

“As it stands, the FIFA Code of Ethics prevents the names of accused parties within an investigation from being disclosed upon request. This is inconsistent with state criminal proceedings in Switzerland and Europe, which would provide significantly greater transparency”, said Cornel Borbély, the chairman of the FIFA Ethics Committee’s investigatory chamber. “Transparency should be accorded greater importance in the future when weighing up the protection of privacy against disclosure.”

As part of these transparency reforms, the chairman of the Ethics Committee’s adjudicatory chamber, Hans-Joachim Eckert, is proposing that the Ethics Committee be able to publicly justify its decisions immediately. “This should be regardless of whether or not the football official in question is appealing the decision. Where there has been public misinformation, the Ethics Committee must also have the right to offer rectification.”

The two independent chairmen of the Ethics Committee are of the opinion that greater transparency in investigations would help efforts to uncover and clear up fraud, as it would encourage potential informants to support the proceedings. They also believe that transparency will have a preventative effect, as copycat culprits will also have to face exposure.