Everybody In The World Is A ‘Believer’!

Nurses praying

By Michael Adekoya – “Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me.” Acts 27:25.

Dear Brethren, I’ve learnt through this Coronavirus that everybody in this world is a ‘Believer’. No single person is exempted, but it depends on who and what everyone believes. Apostle Paul was about to sail to Rome in the context of our Scripture today, he perceived through the Holy Spirit that the journey shall be dangerous, he encouraged the people not to embark on the journey – Act 27:10. But the owner of the ship, the Centurion and all the people in the ship were persuaded and believed the words of the helmsman – ‘the expert’ and embarked on the journey – Act 27:11. In other words, the people refused to believe the word of Apostle Paul, the word inspired by the Holy Spirit but rather chose to believe the words of an ‘expert’ so to say.

That shows everyone in that ship believed either the word of God or the word of an expert. Therefore, no one was neural, everyone ‘believed’ something/someone. During this pandemic too, I’ve found out that everyone either believes the words of the experts – the Doctors, the Phycologists, the Government representatives, the professionals, the media, unbiblical prophecies, evil predictions or simply believe the words of God. Eventually, when they embarked on the journey and it was risky, as the Holy Spirit has inspired Paul to say from the beginning. Then he said again by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that, “Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me.” Acts 27:25. 

Fellow Kingdom Citizens, do you believe the words and the promises of God concerning protection and preservation in this pandemic or you are believing the words of the ‘experts’ and ‘professionals’ as well? For you to believe the promises of God, you must first of all know His Word (John 7:17). Apostle Paul believed that it would be as God has revealed to him. In that case, he knew what God has said through His Word. Faith is simply believing what God has said in His Word or personally through the Holy Spirit to you. Fear on the other hand, is to believe the words of the devil either directly in your own mind or through the voices of the experts outside of you. Who and what you believe would either give you faith, confidence, boldness and courage or fear, worry, confusion, hopelessness and anxiety. Please choose carefully, who and what you listen to and believe if you want to survive in this current pandemic. As faith comes by hearing and continuous hearing the words of God (Rom. 10:17), so also fear and worry comes by hearing and continuous hearing the words of the devil and or his experts. The choice is yours! 

How do you know what and who you believe, you may keen to ask? Well, the answer is simple, listen to what is coming out of your mouth as well as your actions! The Bible says, “And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak,” 2 Cor. 4:13. There’s no way you can conceal what you believe in your heart from coming out of your lips. If the words of your mouth are words of faith, courage, fear, worry, complaints, bitterness or anxiety, it shows what is in your heart and what you believe. If care is not taken, you can possibly bring to manifestation what you believe and say on regular basis. “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23.

In conclusion, everyone in the world believes in something/someone. Even the Atheist who says there’s no God, ‘believes that there’s no God’ (it’s a believe too), but unfortunately, that can’t change the truth that there’s God. On the other hand, it is Scriptural that what we believe and confess on regular basis, have the tendency to manifest as our words are creative – Pro. 18:21. Therefore, use your creativity to protect and preserve yourself, your family, your loved ones and your country from becoming preys and victims during this pandemic and to put an end outrightly to the activities of this demonic Coronavirus. Remain blessed! Jesus Is Lord! 

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