Discipline Your Thoughts!


David says, “I will set no evil before my eyes…” (Psalm 101:3)

Dear Readers, I claim this word from David for you and me in this x-rated world in Jesus name. But did you know that what we think determines the direction and quality of our life? Yes, it does! Life of purity, victory, joy or success starts from our thoughts! Before we can even hope to have a life of purity, we must have a clean thought life. God works from the inside out. He knows that we cannot purify the water by painting the pump.

The Bible says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” (Prov 23:7). We are not always what we think we are, instead we are what we think. We are not what we eat, where we live, the type of car we ride, the position we occupy, what people think about us but we are what you think. Listen! Clothes do not make us, but thinking makes us. Therefore, in this day and age, it is vital and very important to keep our thought life active and open to the voice of God.

I heard this story of Gandhi’s trip to England to speak before Parliament. The British Government had opposed India’s independence and as a result Gandhi had often been threatened, arrested and jailed. Gandhi spoke eloquently and passionately for two hours, after which the packed hall gave him a standing ovation. Afterward, a reporter asked Gandhi’s assistant how the statesman had been able to deliver such a speech without notes. “You don’t understand Gandhi,” he responded. “What he thinks is what he feels. What he feels is what he says. What he says is what he does. What Gandhi feels, thinks, says and does are all the same. So he doesn’t need notes.” What a word! As Gandhi thought, so he was in his life time!

My friend, the first place you must win victory is in your own mind. If you don’t think and expect that you can be successful, then you will never be. If you don’t think your body can be healed, it will never be. If you don’t think you can receive answers to your prayers, no matter how long you spend in praying, you will never be. If you don’t think God can set you free, it will never be. Always remember that as you think in your heart, so you will become.

When you think thoughts of failure, you are destined to fail. When you think thoughts of defeat, ignorance, inferiority, mediocrity, or insecurity, you are destined to be taken captive by people around you who know better than you. When you entertain thoughts of sins, deceit, lies or divorce, it will happen. If you think the thoughts of accusations from the devil and from people around you, you will be influenced to do that which you may regret later. If you subject to fear of any kind, they will come to pass. As you think, so you will be.

When you align your thoughts with God’s thoughts and you start dwelling on the promises of His Word, nothing can hold you.  His love, grace, faith, forgiveness, deliverance, power, victory, strength, favour and blessings will not be held back from you. When you choose to dwell on thoughts that are based on truth of the Word of God – thoughts that will build you up in faith, confidence, boldness, endurance, perseverance, integrity, good character, trust and obedience – nothing can move you.

My friend, you can’t go through life in a negative frame of mind and expect anything to change for better. No! You need to strip off those old negative of lustful, sinful, defeated, insecured, inferiority, poverty, bitterness, jealous, fearful, angry, boastful, corrupt, greedy, injustice, discriminating, hatred and of bad reports nature. You need to put on a fresh new thoughts which will reflect in your belief, words, attitudes, and characters because negative thoughts leads to rebellion, disobedience, depression discouragement, unforgiveness, separation, divorce or division.

The Bible encourages us to think on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, and things that are praiseworthy. (Phil 4:8). In other to think on the right things, it is important that we filter what we watch, what we read and what we listen to. My friend, don’t let the enemy slowly deceive you into lowering your standards, compromise your integrity and desensitizing you to what is good and pure. Don’t let him have a single opportunity to pull you down by watching or being involved in things that are questionable.

My friend, remember you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. You should fill your thoughts with the promises of God found in His Word – the promises of holiness, obedience and good relationships; the promises of peace, joy and freedom;  the promises of salvation, safety, deliverance and provision; the promises of victory, a future, a hope and eternal life that you’ll only found through Jesus Christ! As you fill your thoughts with God’s Word, victory will come alive in every area of your life! As you think in your heart, so you are. Remain blessed!