Concern over sexual health of SA sex workers


About 60 percent of South Africa’s estimated 150,000 sex workers are HIV positive, The New Age reported on Tuesday.

Sex workers and their clients account for six to 11 percent of new HIV infections
Sex workers and their clients account for six to 11 percent of new HIV infections

The statistics were announced by the South Africa National Aids Council (SANAC) at the launch of a national HIV/Aids programme for sex workers in Johannesburg on Monday.

“How can you talk about HIV prevention and not talk about sex work, knowing HIV transmission involves sex?” SANAC CEO Fareed Abdullah was quoted as saying at the launch.

Sex workers, their “non-commercial partners” and their clients accounted for between six and 11 percent of all new infections in South Africa.

These “concerning” figures pushed SANAC and its partners to develop a programme aimed at fighting HIV/Aids in the sex worker industry, the publication reported.

“The programme also aimed at ensuring access to state social and health services where sex workers can receive HIV counselling and testing, treatment and contraception,” Abdullah said.

National co-ordinator of sex workers’ movement Sisonke, Kholi Buthelezi, said it was the duty of all sex workers to ensure the programme was successful.

“We want to use condoms but sometimes our clients refuse,” she said.