Celebrating safely during the festive period

Michael Adedipe, CEO of Ades Cash & Carry

How to safely prepare this Christmas season

Michael Adedipe, CEO of Ades Cash & Carry promises customers a stress-free shopping this season.

With the festive period fast approaching many of our families and friends will want to enjoy this special time together. For all of us to enjoy the holidays safely we should take precaution when planning social events, going to places of worship or work and visiting elderly relatives. The new omicron variant means that there is still a threat from COVID-19 and observing safe behaviours such as hand washing, mask wearing, social distancing and regular testing will be key to ensuring we keep ourselves, families and friends safe by preventing the spread of the virus.

Mr & Mrs Udoruisi, a young couple living in Kent spoke with AFRICAN VOICE on how they are planning to enjoy the Christmas festivity without the usual crowded parties.

Mr. Ajiri Udoruisi a manager at Transport for London said, “I am very proud to say that at my workplace, we still uphold the Covid-19 protocol to the highest level and we do the same at home. We have a big bottle of hand sanitizers right at the door for everyone coming into the house to sanitize their hands with. 

My family and l are very much aware of the need for social distancing, hand washing, mask wearing and regular testing, we practice this especially when we go out or visit other family members. We have canceled attending all parties for now but for this Christmas my mother is coming over to stay with us throughout the festive season. We have redecorated the house, we have put in place extra ventilations in the rooms, kitchen and the living room. Mum has got her double vaccine and booster so no worries, my wife and l are double vaccinated already and we will get boosted when it is our turn. 

We intend to continue with mask wearing, social distancing, hand sanitising when we go out into the shops or crowded places. We will also continue with our regular testing.”

Mrs Banke Udoruisi, Health and Social Care practitioner, who works with the NHS is very knowledgeable about Covid-19 safety precautions and supports her husband in upholding all the Covid-19 best practices both at home and outside their home. 

Mrs Udoruisi said, “We do not compromise on the Covid-19 best practises. We encourage our friends and neighbours to do the same. My mother in law is coming to spend Christmas with us and she has already taken her booster jab and we are ready to take ours when it is our turn. My advice for everyone is to get double vaccinated, boosted, follow all the scientific advice by doing a regular test. My slogan is stay safe, keep others safe and do the right thing period.”

Ades an African Caribbean retail and wholesale groceries supermarket of choice in South East London is set for the festive season promising customers a stress-free shopping this Christmas.

African Voice had a chat with Mr. Michael Adedipe, CEO of Ades Cash & Carry. He said, “Our flagship store at Thamesmead in the London Borough of Greenwich will open for 24 hours daily between 13th December and 24th December 2021 and we are fully prepared to keep our staff and customer safe. 

We have updated and completed a health and safety risk assessment for this winter season and all our stores have adequate ventilation. Our employees are well trained and aware of all the  Covid – 19 precautions. 

We have stationed sanitising dispenser stands at the entrances of all our branches.”

What do Ades have in place to keep employees and customers safe this season?

Our stores are regularly cleaned, hand sanitisation dispensers are available at store entrances and exits.

Staff are required to wash their hands regularly and we provide hand and surface antibacterial wipes at various points.

Staff and customers are required to wear face-covering at all time in our stores.

High transparent screens are installed at checkout points. 

Visible floor markings and signs are in place to maintain social distancing.


From Friday 10 December

• It is now a legal requirement to wear face coverings on public transport, 

in shops and in other places like hairdressers. 

A full list is available on GOV.UK. 

• Don’t breathe the disease onto others. 

Wear a mask in enclosed spaces. 

• Those with COVID-19 release contagious droplets when they exhale.

• Wear a face covering over your mouth and nose in enclosed spaces. 

From Monday 13 December

a. Work from home if you can.

b. Office workers who can work from home should do so from Monday 13 Dec. 

Anyone who cannot work from home should continue to go in to work.

c. If you cannot work from home, 

take a Lateral Flow test before going into your workplace.

d. Report your result and if positive you must stay home, 

self-isolate immediately and take a confirmatory PCR test.

From Wednesday 15 December

The NHS Covid Pass on the NHS App will become mandatory for entry 

into nightclubs and settings where large crowds gather. 

People will be able to demonstrate proof of two vaccine doses via the app. 

Proof of a negative lateral flow test will also be accepted.  

Overseases travelers into the UK

If arriving in England from overseas, proof of a negative PCR or LFD test is required on entry. After arrival you must take a PCR test on day two after arrival and self isolate until you’ve received a negative test result.   

Advice for Businesses

• Keep your employees and customers safe this Christmas. Make sure your risk assessment has been updated for winter and keep your workplace well ventilated. 

• Businesses, including transport operators, should ask their employees and customers to wear face coverings.  

• Businesses are also encouraged to continue encouraging customers to check in using the NHS COVID-19. If there is an outbreak, swift action can then be taken to limit the spread of the virus. 

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