Chris Brown is on his way back to court. But this time it’s on his own terms as the singer prepares to go head-to-head with his baby’s mother, Nia Guzman, 31.

The pair have been unable to come to a custody or child support agreement for their daughter, one-year-old Royalty, so now the courts will be asked to decide their daughter’s fate, according to
Brown says he is tired of Guzman digging in his pockets for gold. The singer wants to provide his daughter with adequate child support and is now relying on a judge for help.
“We have a hearing scheduled for September 11,” Brown’s family law attorney, Bo Nichols, revealed to in an exclusive interview. However, Nichols would much rather see the two parents settle their dispute prior to that date. “When it comes down to it, Chris and Nia are the ones who are responsible for raising Royalty,” he says. “The more people involved, the more complicated it gets.”
If there’s one person who can help bring Brown and Guzman together for Royalty’s sake, it’s Brown’s mother. As previously reported, Joyce Hawkins has become an integral part in the battle to see Royalty and she’s even played “hostage negotiator” with the child’s mother.
“Nia wasn’t thrilled at all about letting Royalty visit him while he’s on tour, but she knew Joyce would be there and that was the only reason why she agreed to it,” another source revealed, adding: “Chris is thanking his lucky stars that she’s his mother. He needs to put her on the payroll because she’s been playing hostage negotiator for him.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Beak is a Victorian or earlier colloquialism for a judge in a court of law, presumably restricted to London, since I cannot find it in any online dictionary. I’m showing my age, I know.