As predicted last week, tragic 22-year-old Bobbi Kristina Brown, only child of similarly tragic Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown has died without ever regaining consciousness after being found face down in her bathtub in January. It is believed her family agreed to have life support withdrawn.

It is understood that Bobbi Kristina’s fortune, basically around $20m she inherited when her mother died, would be distributed to Houston’s relatives, including her mother, Cissy Houston, and her two brothers, Michael and Gary if the instructions in her 1993 will were followed.
In her will, Whitney Houston left her money to her daughter to be paid in instalments at age 25 and 30. If, however, Bobbi Kristina were to die unmarried and childless before the age of 30, whatever money that remained would go to her surviving close kin.
So far so straightforward, but the sharks have been swarming on and off ever since Whitney died in 2012, so it would be a great surprise if the waters stay calm now.
Neither Bobby Brown, who hadn’t been married to Whitney since 2007, nor Nick Gordon, who never officially married Bobbi Kristina, is thought to be in the picture legally.